The Midland Hotel - Manchester
What Do You Think? (Voices 21)
Adkin JE Is a caretaker at Portsmouth Polytechnic Long Distance (Voices 21)
Adlen Arthur Pipe fitter from Skelmersdale Before the Rape
(Voices 17) Ainley Ben b 1901 d1977 Retired teacher. 50 years active in CP, Teachers' Union and Peace Movement. Present hobby book reviewing for various journals. (1972) Introductory ... (Voices 1)
Paper Bag Rag (29)
Allinson Ruth Comes from Rochdale. She teaches in a Comprehensive school The Ideal Husband
(Voices 21) Allsop JI Councillor, Chairman Audenshawe Labour Party JP Hobby Allotment gardening Laking - Yorkshire Holiday (Voices 3)
It Don't Go to Your Boots (30)
Armstrong Keith (a founder-member of Tyneside Poets) is a community worker who lives in Whitley Bay. He writes: "The poem was written a few months ago when Dixie Dean, the famous record-breaking Everton centre-forward, had his leg amputated in an operation." (77) Bourgeoisie (Voices 8)
Arnison Alan Listen to the Old Men
(Voices 6)
The Hour of the Gnats (Voices 14)
Arrowsmith Pat (London) is a political campaigner of long standing Self View (Voices 10)
Ashby Henry Today and Yesterday (Voices 17)
Askell MG
(Voices 5)
Death of a Young Collier's Wife (28)
Lives in Watford Advice from a Big Industrialist to a Worker (Voices 18)
Baker Isabel
Written in Great Happiness
(Voices 7)
Baker Ray Funny Weather (Voices 11)
Bain Ouaine Is a young woman who was one of the organisers of the recent successful "Pictures and Pints" event in Glasgow Sunday Times Photograph (Voices 17)
Balchin Michael
A Week in the Life of Ivan Ivanovitch
(Voices 7)
Staying In (30)
Barker Les b1947 Born and lives in Manchester. After primary school, Manchester Grammar and BSc (Econ) degree worked in loading bay at Walls, followed by job as clerk at NWEB: finally accountant at Manchester Town Hall. Two books of verse published (Her Majesty's Book and Mrs Ackroyd's Diary) Prefers football to poetry. Noah's Ark (Voices 8)
Barnes David (Hackney Writers Workshop) works as a lorry driver Pete's Misery (Voices 17)
Barnes Jimmy The Bell spews its Evil (Voices 6)
Barnes, Jo
Barr Alex b 1940 Manchester First ambition to be a pilot, second an author, and third to be an astronomer, all proved unattainable, leaving no choice but to become first a bus conductor, second a journalist and third an architect. Married with 2 children. Present job: lecturer at Manchester Poly (1976) Confucius Was Eating Carrots (Voices 12)
Barrand, Maggie Your Poem (26)
Barrett Ed (Scotland Road writers' workshop) is an unemployed Liverpudlian. I Fought Norman Snow (Voices 15) Bartlett, Bill The Wish (26)
Batchelor Joan
Beavis Dickie "Creeping Paralysis (Voices 17)
Benson Ernie Born and bred in Yorkshire and now lives in Plymouth Owd Barney (Voices 20)
Best, Katy The Ballad of Cuthbert Crout (27)
Bishop Donald To the Thirties (Voices 19)
Bishop Joe Born in Manchester. Elementary education to age 14. Member as a schoolboy of Proctor's Gymnasium Club Hulme, later a voluntary worker for the club, finally lifelong honorary member. Main interest walking, particularly round Cheshire, Old Time dancing, literature and, as a life long socialist, in political affairs. (1971) A Dying Art (Voices 1)
Booth Sid Formerly International Brigader Founder member of the Unity of Arts (1971) Recollections of the General Strike (Voices 1)
Boyd Phil (Commonword) writes: "I am 25 and unemployed. I suffered a good middle-class upbringing, went to grammar school in a small country town and then to University where I learnt to dissect literature. I spent a year working in Italy where I got politicised. After leaving University, I came to Manchester to get involved in film and video work in the community. I've written on and off for about ten years but it's really only since going to Common word that I've started writing the things that I want to write, for, hopefully, the people I want to write for." The Day Andreas Baader Died
(Voices 16) Breheny John Epitaph (Voices 17)
Brennan John b1926 Married. Finds writing, listening to music and reading history soothing after the hustle and bustle of a modern airport where he works as a refuelling technician. Interested in Horoscopology Sounds in the Night (Voices 3)
Weeping Woman
Late Dawning (29)
Brown Alan C Chairman/Secretary of Tyneside Poets is married with two daughters, teaches in comprehensive school and edits "Poetry North East" The Tyneside Poets
(Voices 13)
Brown Richard No Dawn in Poplar (Voices 23)
Bulkeley Rip The Welder (Voices 22)
Burge Maureen Contributor to "Sush Mum's Writing" from Bristol Broadsides Ltd, 110 Cheltenham Rd Bristol 6 The Better Half
(Voices 19)
Butler Michael D Productivity Deal
(Voices 11)
Factory (27)
Carpenter R Redhill Surrey, is an ex soldier, now a mental nurse For Freedom (voices 19)
Carr David Found Poem (Voices 19)
Burden on the State (29)
Casey Mary (Scotland Road) is a housewife from Cantril Farm overspill estate, Liverpool.
Two Poems by (Voices 17)
Casey Paul Roberts Arundel (Voices 12)
Centreprise Remembering Vivian Usherwood (24)
Bristol Docks
(31) Chesney Tony The Good Old English Bobby (Voices 19)
Clare Stan Violence/Hope Springs Eternal (Voices 23)
Clark Shirley The Franklin Story (Voices 22)
Clay Ken Trellie (Voices 5)
Clegg Arthur (Ripon, Yorks) learnt about the problems of poverty, unemployment and colour discrimination in the Cardiff docks area (Tiger Bay) in the 1930s. He has been a political organiser, a journalist and a university lecturer and associated with struggles for peace and against imperialism. He has been writing poetry since 1961. Cry Soweto (Voices 16)
Clifford J Photographs (Voices 23)
Clinton Norman (Manchester) is a former steel-worker from Birmingham now out of action with back trouble. (77) Poet... Failed (Voices 15)
Cloves Jeff Lives in St Albans where he divides his time between being printer, draughtsman, bicycle builder, journalist and poet Childhood's End in Soweto (Voices 20)
Cobham David Song of Marxist-Leninist Intellectual (Voices 12)
Cole Stan Is an engineer and Manchester District President of the AUEW Me Medals (Voices 18)
Cole Sue b1953 Student. Just completed A level course at St Johns College Manchester. Interested in left wing movements. One personal ambition is to have published my own book of verse. (1972)
We Came Crying Hither
(Voices 5)
Claims (30)
My Son's Poem (30)
Cooney Bob Aberdeen. Burns enthusiast. International brigader (1971) An Auld Man Cam To Heaven's Gate
(Voices 1)
(born January 25, 1949) is a performance poet from Salford, affectionately known as the Bard of Salford. He is often referred to as a punk poet, having initially achieved recognition in the late 1970s amidst the flourishing punk movement. His recorded output has mainly centred around musical backing from The Invisible Girls, which featured Martin Hannett, Pete Shelley, Bill Nelson and Steve Hopkins.
No, We Don't Like to be Seaside the Seaside (Voices 8)
Cox, Ailsa
Don't Come Looking Here
(Review) (24)
Crawford Betty Married 1 daughter 3 grandchildren. Came to Manchester from Glasgow in 1959. Active in TU and Labour Movement. (1972) Awakening (Voices 5)
Crispin August 1945
(Voices 5)
The Rise and Fall of the English Pub (18)
Cullen TM b 1947 Married 1 son. Just finished Teacher Training College and started first teaching job. Writes stories and poetry. Interested in aims of Unity of Arts Society of which he is an active member. A House in the Morning (Voices 3)
Cummings, Graham Last Liner (27)
Cummins John Lives in Altrincham and works as a park groundsman for Manchester City Council A Groundsman's Plight (voices 21)
Cunningham Joseph Wrote this poem 25 years ago when, as a miner and active in the union, he felt that he was in opposition to everyone, bosses and workmates. He now works in a park in the open air, as his health deteriorated in the pits. Reasoning Why (Voices 21)
Text 55 (31) Ode to a Politician (24)
Dallimore Pat Is a Bristol housewife.Contributor to "Sush Mum's Writing" from Bristol Broadsides Ltd, 110 Cheltenham Rd Bristol 6 A Bag on the Beach
(Voices 19)
Damer Sean Has come through the Army and the building trade to end up as a university lecturer in Manchester Winnie Be Damned!
(Voices 19)
Darlington Andrew b1947 (Ossett, Yorks) is a 30-year-old printer working shifts. He has had "poetry, articles, stories and pictures featured in over 450 publications of varying degrees of obscurity around the world" Freeway Flier (Voices 7)
Darwin Chris (Scotland Road writers' group, Liverpool) lives in a house overlooking the Mersey. His daughter gave him the idea for the poem-the higher she climbed the more she could see. (77) The Top Shelf (Voices 15) Davenport A Lisa's Song (Voices 14)
Davis Brian (London VOICES group) is an expatriate Canadian currently working on a novel. He is the editor of "The Poetry of the Canadian People, 1720- 1920", an anthology of working-class poetry from which the samples are taken. His article is based on his excellent introduction to this book. Canadian Working.Class Poetry (Voices 15)
Davitt Jack b1924 Born in a Newcastle colliery village and works as a welder at Swan Hunter's Wallsend shipyard where he served his time. Until about 15 years ago he did not keep any of his poems, but then he began to duplicate them and circulate copies to his fellow workers throughout the Tyne shipyards. Aka Ripyard Cuddling The Truth Aboot the Waall (Voices 16)
Day Joe b1907 Single. Retired through ill health. Formerly active in Furniture Union and Communist Party. Interested in the struggles of Manchester Furniture Workers in the pre war period (1971) Autobiographical Chapter (Voices 1)
Dearle Marjorie Simon (Voices 11)
Dixon Bob b1931 Born in Spennymoor, Co. Durham. Got quite high up educational ladder but has almost found his way back to earth again. Now an English lecturer in a teachers' training college. Agitpoem No. 8 - Bromley
(Voices 4)
Doyle, Denise
Doyle Mick Former bus driver turned insurance agent. Liverpool Reincarnation (Voices 6)
Drysdale Bob (Common word Writers' Workshop, Manchester) is a welder and lives in Stocknort A Start in Life (Voices 18)
Duffin, Patricia Breaking the Silence (24)
Duquet Rich Not Wanting to Fuck (voices 21)
Durkin Tom London Voices Group is chairman of Brent Trades Council (77) Trico (Voices 15)
Boy messenger, postman, civil servant. POW in far East. A late developer - member of Derek Stanford's poetry class at the City Lit. London. Trade Unionist. Optimist - still hopes to be around when the gates of folly fall. Now retired. (London VOICES Group) is a former boy-messenger, postman, civil servant and trade unionist, now retired. As a prisoner-of-war in the hands of the Japanese, he found himself put to work down a coal-mine. For Better or For Worse (Voices 5)
The Job Centre
(29) Edwards Alf b 1933 Single. Warehouseman. Amateur photographer. Likes to have a go at anything: oil painting, writing, joinery, home decoration. Intellectually incurably inquisitive.
Missin' The Clubman (2)
Is deputy head of a Junior school. He lives in Middleton Manchester and is married with two cowboys and an indian. He lists his hobbies as reading, writing and torturing an innocent guitar. Summer in the Fifties (voices 21)
Farrow Pete Manchester - is a hospital worker and folk singer Lord Street Revisited (Voices 18)
I've Heard It (31)
Ferns Michael Man in Winter (Voices 6)
Fletcher Robert An Appeal ... (Voices 1)
Ford Connie M The Road to Baracoa (Voices 10)
Where Will It Lead (30)
SW News (Letter) (30)
Fortuna Blackie Black writer who lives on a council estate in Oxford Snowdrop Man (Voices 19)
Frame Colin b1945 Has studied music but never worked as a professional musician. Began writing 1971. Admires Henry Miller. (1972)
Tonight we will see the Dream-Drenched Drunks
(Voices 5)
Francis Arthur Tonbridge Kent - is a long term member of the T&GWU and Labour Party. He has served on the Dover Council. Down the Old Kent Road (Voices 12)
Franco Roberto Is a 24 year old Brazilian metalworker. His story, first published in "Movimento" is translated by Diana Birkbeck. He says "I write about things which are problems of my people, things I see and experience too...This is why I like to write, because it might help to throw some light on something" 'S Empty (Voices 20)
Friedman Rose First generation Jew, born in Cheetham Hill area of Manchester. Founder member of now defunct Kersal Jewish Discussion Circle formed to combat root causes of fascism. Regards trade union movement as 8th wonder of world, and highly sensitive to organised attempts to nullify its powers. Has written about 40 poems. I describe myself as a first generation Jew, my father having come to England from Imperialist Russia. I was born in the heart of the Cheetham Hill district and spent my earlier formative years in the Cheetham Hill and Strangeways, Manchester area. My values are geared to Marxist principles. I was a founder member of the now defunct "Kersal Jewish Discussion Circle". I have written about 40 poems, but I now find that my style of presentation differs greatly from my earlier work-although the moral contents remains the same.
Green Toilet Rolls to Match my Bathroom Tiles
(Voices 4)
Froom AG On Winter's Highway (Voices 6)
Froom Winifred Found life as shorthand typist unsatisfying. Came to Liverpool 1958 to train as nurse. Never got away Life in Liverpool only served to underline social injustice. Sees socialism as only answer.
Being an Improbable Conversation overheard through the
half-open door to a Premature Baby Unit (Voices 4)
Frost Jack My brother was writing this verse over a period of forty years, inspired during the years from 1920 to 1961, moved by the hardship and suffering in the days of depression. He was a man with a strong sense of humour and a ready wit, but also a sense of pathos. He reached the heights of experience and emotion but also suffered and was engulfed many times in the depth of depression because of lack of appreciation of his ideals. But he was a Marxist and Communist. Such philosophy enabled him to climb out of his sadness and fight in rebellion against a system which created conditions of frustration. He was an artist in every sense. Despite having many friends, he was essentially lonely, restless because he was forced to earn his living as a Grocer. Instead of training in Art School he could only give expression to his talents by being moved around various branches of his firm, in demand for window dressing, sign and ticket writing. However, any person reading this collection of his verse will I am sure have some deep feeling and some understanding of the kind of man Jack Frost was. He died tragically from lung cancer at the age of 56. A Tribute to Jack Frost
(Voices 17)
Frow Ruth & Eddie Ruth is Deputy Head of a school; Eddie retired A.U.E.W. District Secretary. Have collaborated in the production of many historical articles for workers' papers, and published several books including "1868, Year of the Unions" CE. Frow in collaboration with M. Katankai), "The Half Time System in Education" (Ruth and Eddie Frow), "Strikes" (in collaboration with M. Katankai). They are now engaged on a history of the Shop Stewards' Movement.
Book Collecting (2)
Fuller Harry Is 75 years of age and lives near Burnley A Lancashire Man Remembers (Voices 20)
Fuller Ken End of the Line (Voices 7)
Some Day (Voices 21)
Garnett Jim b1896 Worked in cotton mills since being 12 years old. Life member of weavers union. Trustee and auditor of Rossendale branch. Interests - furtherance of TU and working class politics. (1972)
Rossendale Weavers Union Women Members (Voices 5)
Garson Sol Convinced that the shock of his birth killed Lenin, he
has tried to make amends since. The only test he passed was that of being alive
(by crying) and expects to disprove even that eventually with a little help from
his friends Wills and Gallagher (1971) Married 2 children. Glassworker. Writes
paints and sculpts (1972) Why I Don't Write
(Voices 1)
Gebbett, Anne The Sisters (25)
Gibson Christine War (Voices 8)
Over Paddies (29)
Gilliver, Cath Once Upon a Time (25)
Gordon Alec Money on the Brain (Voices 12)
Meat Sandwich
(31) Govier Katherine Do You Like My Hair? (Voices 21)
Gowling John
City Boy/Brown Baby (Voices 5) Gwilt Rick b 1950 Building labourer. Various jobs - docker, warehouseman, groundsman, fruit picker, dishwasher, translator, fork lift truck driver. Very widely travelled - Havana, acapulco, New Orleas, Montreal, Stockholm, Berlin, Jerusalem, Baghdad, tehran, New Delhi etc. "26. Communist. Former Manchester building trade unionist. Still member T&GWU. Now at Lancaster University studying Working-Class and Socialist Writing under David Craig. Writes/translates/directs plays. Fluent in French/German/Spanish. Captain of university athletics team, runs for Stretford AC, interested in history of sport." (Joint Editor of Voices -76)
On Returning Home After a Long
Absence (2)
Hello you walrus faced bastard (Voices 9)
Hamburger, Robert
Handley Martyn Quebrada (Voices 10)
Gis a Tissue (28)
Harcup Tony Factory Boy (Voices 6)
Hargreaves C To Peace (Voices 8)
Harris Christopher (Scotland Road Writers' Group) comes from a working-class background and is currently a probationer mental nurse. Culture for the Workers (Voices 16)
Hartley Ray Double Meaning (Voices 8)
Hatton Ethel b 1919 Married 2 children. Formerly a cotton worker. Interested in the advancement of working class ideas and a better future for the children (1971) Our Neighbours . (Voices 1)
Hauxwell, Jonathon
Haviland Mark Thank You! (Voices 23)
Hey! (31)
Born and bred in London in a politically conscious working class family. Went to Oxford, took degree in social sciences. A teacher in London, Dublin, Belfast, now lives in he new town of Craigavon, County Armagh The Headache (Voices 10)
Hensman, Savitri
Herdman Brian November Poems - 1 (Voices 8)
Hickey, Laureen Shahida (25)
Hill BJ b1905 The General Strike (Voices 19)
Hogan, Mick
Babylon Station (30) Homewood, JB 16 Pence Per Person Per Trip (26)
Horne Alfred Malcolm b 1944 Married 2 children Sara nd Jonathan. Fitter and shop steward AEU. Vickers (shipbuilding) Barrow. Secretary Barrow branch CP. Delegate to TU council. Enjoys struggling to bring up a family, struggling for socialism and struggling with a pint. (1973) The Escape (Voices 3)
Expecting Miracles (Review) (28)
Hosey John John William Hosey (Sean) (Voices 9)
Fool (29)
Hughes Dominique b1949 Married 1 daughter. French. Came to England as student from paris Sorbonne. Has taught in Morocco, France and now England (1973) The Gherkin (Voices 3)
Hughes Ron b 1940 Married 2 children Ex Mercantile Service. Whilst in building trade helped to found the Building Workers Form and BW Charter. President of the AUBTW. Now at Teacher Training College The Picket (Voices 3)
Hunt Vincent William Is a blacksmith by trade, now works as a technician and lives in Sunderland Shift Worker's Lament (Voices 19)
Stop a While (28)
The Bearer of Chairs (Voices 7)
Ironmonger Alf The Cock Fight
(Voices 23)
Irving Victor Is blind, and an ex miner The Last Shift (Voices 19)
The Asian (30)
Saving Face (Voices 6)
Out of Love (29)
Jenkins Mick b1904 One time delegate Manchester & Salford Trades Council and Shop Steward. Active in YCL and CP since 1923. Author of "Fredrick Engels in Manchester" and "George Brown, Portrait of a Communist Leader". Now doing research into the General Strike of 1842 and a little writing. Married with 2 children and 2 grandchildren. Solid Gleaming Coal
(Voices 4)
Jenkins Syd (Manchester) was for many members an active member of the ETU. His brother Mick was always the writer in the family, but since Syd's retirement he has been studying English at his local college of adult education. These recollections of his youth represent his first attempt at creative writing and, although Syd has been a reader of VOICES since it started, this piece only emerged through Common-word, originally as an anonymous piece of writing until the author was traced. Reading About Life (Voices 16)
Jennings Doris Is a school kitchen supervisory assistant in Bromsgrove Save Our School Meals Battle Cry (voices 21)
Johnson Anne F Heritage (Voices 11)
Jones Eric Is a nursing assistant in a hospital for the mentally handicapped in Scotland Aspects of Lunacy (voices 21)
Jones Keith Lloyd Elegy (Voices 6)
Mass Unemployment & Mothers in Liverpool (28)
Jones Winston Is a schoolboy from Moss Side Manchester. He wrote this when he was 11 The Skateboard Kid (Voices 20)
Sunday Morning (30)
Hearts of Stone (Voices 11)
Keane John London Voices Group Inch by Inch (Voices 21)
Letter (31)
Kearns G Mrs Is a cook in St Helens The Cossie (Voices 21)
Kelly, Terence Maker (24)
Kessel David b1945 Married with 1 son. Has lived in Poplar for 2 years since moving from Hampstead. Training to be a G.P. Interests: poetry, walking and discussing philosophy. Hopes one day to make a serious study of Christopher Caudwell. Is an active Communist Party member. Glass is Dynamite
(Voices 4)
Kessell Peggy Crantock Beach (Voices 12)
Kilmurray, Avila Seen at Divis (26)
King Robert Saturday's Savings
(Voices 9)
Koziol John (Commonword writers' workshop) writes: "My parents always prided themselves on prompt payment of the rent. Like scrubbing the step. In 1972, with other council tenants across the country, they refused to pay an increase imposed under the Housing Finance Act. In arrears for the first time in their lives, the record stood against them when they applied for a badly-needed transfer. "John lives on Partington overspill estate near Manchester. (77) JK grew up in Partington, a Manchester overspill area. After leaving school, he worked for three years in a margarine factory and has just finished a year on a job creation project. "Most of my writing comes. from being involved in Commonword-before that I messed around with bad science fiction and diabolical song lyrics." Rent Strike (voices 15)
Harlem Portraits (Voices 21)
Lane Patrick Surgeon who Lost Son Indicts Killers (Voices 5)
Learwood, Sue Virgil's Enid (25)
Leavers Jim b 1948 Married 1 son. General labourer, paints in oils, sketches, writes prose and poetry Two Poems.. (Voices 1)
Lee Derek b1930 (Beverly, Yorks) is the son of a miner who left school at 14 back in 1944 and after a variety of jobs, including 3 years as a merchant seaman, has ended up as a lecturer in English Literature. (77) Two Minutes (Voices 15)
Leff Vera Pollution (Voices 8)
National Service (29)
Family moved from Devonshire to Scotland 1962. Trained as Display Artist but after several poorly paid jobs, took employment in an electronics factory. Currently at home with a one year old son. Finds time for a bit of writing and reading and intends to complete education (1973) (Galloway, Scotland) who was working in an electronics factory in Edinburgh when she first wrote for VOICES a few years ago, is now bringing up a family out in the country. "I grow lots of vegetables and fruit, sew and bake without feeling I'm betraying my sex, and I try to keep writing's (1977) Electronics Factory (Voices 3)
Lester Paul The Place where Suitcases Happen to Explode (Voices 7)
Lilley Ken Engineer. Interested especially in the history of the Labour and Trade Union movement (particularly in the Engineers) in Gorton and Openshaw. A Very Special Brew (Voices 5)
Little Bob The Dog (Voices 22) Lockwood, Dai Dead News (26)
Lopez Juan Antonio Street Theatre in Brookhouse (Voices 14)
Lowes Dick Lives in Newcastle-on-Tyne The Ballad of Ernie the Fitter
(Voices 20)
Lowrie A Mrs Is a State Enrolled nurse working at Cherry Knowle Hospital Ryhope, Tyne and Wear Sweet Cherry (voices 21)
School (29)
Lyons B Is a park keeper in Hove Waiting (voices 21)
Edgbaston Reservoir (24)
McCulloch, James was born in Ayrshire. He lives in Glasgow where he has worked as a postman, in an animal house, and as a lab technician.
McFarlane J
The Gun (Voices 6)
McGee F The Two Johns (Voices 11)
is a BAFTA award-winning English television scriptwriter
from Liverpool. He is particularly known for writing powerful and
thought-provoking dramas often based around hard-hitting social issues or
controversial real-life events. (Scotland Road writers' workshop, Liverpool) comes from
a large working-class Catholic family, and is now studying in hopes of becoming
a teacher in a working-class area. (1977)
Whatever Happened to the Good Samaritan?
(Voices 15)
McIlvern Roy Chewing Point Four Letter Words (Voices 16)
McKensie Val (Common word Writers' Workshop, Manchester) is a black schoolgirl who wrote this poem when she was 14. One Voice, Many Voices (Voices 18)
Mr Claus (28) Cancer Room (31) McNeil Frances Moving On (Voices 12)
MacVeigh CJ
Boys & Girls Come out to Play (Voices 5)
Mace, Jane Just My Luck Review (26)
Magor Victor Works on a mushroom farm in West Sussex Factory Floor Poem No. 2 (Voices 19)
Maher Dennis b1941 Married 2 children. Active in TU and Labour movement. Vice President Manchester branch AEUW (constructional section) Interests literature, music, sport. Firmly believes that the heights of literature, culture and education can only be achieved with the participation of the working people (1971) Home (Voices 1)
Mandi F Schoolchild from Newcastle-on-Tyne The Maths Exam (Voices 20)
Marchant Tony The Ritual (Voices 22)
Matthews Joy Godalming Surrey. Is a housewife and grandmother who left school at 14 and also works as a cleaner Dog Days (Voices 17)
The Orange (29)
Meredith Ralph The Search (voices 23)
My Police (30) Hackney Writers' Workshop - is one of the younger generation of writers that has grown up in and around Stepney
The First Million Pound Pools Winner
(Voices 18)
Mitchell Roger
Someone's Worn this Thing Before (Voices 10)
Monaghan Terence "Selling Yourself" (Voices 17)
Monaghan PJ Thrush at Long Kesh (Voices 7)
Money Alf Lost Echoes (Voices 23)
Mooney Claire The Concrete Ground (Voices 18)
Moore Francis b1913 Married 3 children, 5 grandchildren. Teacher active in NUT and Communist Party. No time to write but has to, and is kept up to it by the response of the non-literary audiences to which she manages to read sometimes. (1972) Action (Voices 1)
Moore Robert No Flowers in May (Voices 5)
Letter: Not
Interesting (28)
Morgan Fanny b 1912 Elementary education till 14. Always active (1971) O.T.M.S. (Voices 1)
Morgan Frank b1905 Elementary education till 13 years of age. Joined ETU 1930, became full time official 1948 till retirement. Always active in working class movement (1971) The Glass Works (Voices 1)
Morris Jim Lives in Wallasey Going Into Hospital (Voices 20)
Morrison Ted b1932 Married one daughter. Plumber self-employed. The struggle to rise gently above a frugal existence, the patching of a threadbare education and efforts to write have regrettably left no time for political activities (1971) Suburban Automatism
(Voices 1)
Murphy Julie Married. Two teenage daughters and a son. Schoolteacher. Life long member of CP. Holloway Prison (3)
Day Of Rest (27)
Norris, Bruce Street Games (26)
Win with Labour (Voices 5)
O'Connor Rod Is a joiner who has travelled around the U.S.A. and Europe. Enjoys any type of music; is a song writer and guitarist and his ambition is to make an L.P. The Building Workers Song (Voices 4)
O'Connor Rosslyn The Housewife (Voices 6)
O'Donnell Vincent b1903 Volunteered for service in the Abraham Lincoln batallion under Commander Merryman and was accepted by the International Brigade at Albacete 1937. Captured by Mussolini's Black Arrows near the river Ebro interned at san Pedro de Cardena for 12 months before repatriation now retired. (1971) The Freedom of Reason. (Voices 1)
There's a Fog Over Liverpool (29)
O'Rourke, Rebecca
Don't Come Looking Here (25)
Oliver, Ron The Pit's Closed (27)
The Hand
That Feeds (30) Otoo Kevin Mad Johnny (Voices 22)
Oxford Gillian Fire & Brimstone (Voices 8) Married 2 daughters, 2 grandsons. Mechanical fitter. Shaop steward AUEW. Left school 1940. Ambition to have all my plays produced, and also an opera. (1973) Pete (Voices 1)
Parkinson Annie Lives in Leeds We Have All Met Her (Voices 21)
Peacock Ralph (Scotland Road) is a shop steward at KME workers' co-operative (formerly Fisher-Bendix), Kirkby, Liverpool. He Never Complained
(Voices 17)
Pendragon, Mrs M Matchless (25)
Pentelow Mike Friday Night is Music Night (Voices 9)
Perry Ron Lives in NW London Voices (Voices 18)
Pickles, RJ
Piggot Paul E Alan Brown, who has published quite a lot of my writings, has suggested that I submit to your publication. I do so now, if not for the obvious reason; it might help to define your 'thorny question' What is working-class writing?" I am a regular soldier. Have been for thirty odd years. Started as boy soldier and now I'm a major. I graft with great pride in my profession not for reasons 'loyal and blue' but because there is no better social fraternity than this service. The loyalty and camaraderie, the sense of purpose and pride in our 'business' is something we are losing rapidly in some walks of life. One day, when our opinions and concern is represented, others may come to understand. Frankly I don't believe that anyone much cares about us unless they are in the shit. Oh I'm a worker alright and so is any soldier worthy of his shilling. You will not simplify me when I'm dead (Voices 17)
Pooley Jean A Matter of Temperature
(Voices 10)
Poulsen Charles b1911 (London VOICES Group) was born in Stepney Green in 1911, into a Jewish family well within the lower-income bracket. He was educated at Old Montague Street Elementary School which he left before he was fourteen. After a number of "boys" jobs, he became a fur nailer, with alternate periods of overwork and unemployment. Tiring of this, he passed the Knowledge of London Tests and became a taxi-driver in 1935. Throughout the Second World War he was in the Fire Service in London and East Anglia, and in the Overseas Column of the NFS in Europe. Under active service conditions he wrote 'English Episode", a novel based on the Peasant Revolt in 1381. Publlshed in 1946, it was afterwards made into a play for Unity Theatre by the author. Following demobilisation Charles worked for some years as an editorial assistant, sub-editor and staff writer on several encyclopaedias and works of popular education, but in 1950 returned thankfully to the relative sanity and security of the cab trade. He also teaches London History and Appreciation at evening classes. Whitechapel Spring (Voices 16)
Sexuality (28)
Price, Ceri The Initiation (25)
Prior Alan Remember your Kerb Drill (Voices 6)
The Aunties' House (26)
Alienation Review (28)
Unskilled worker (unemployed). Booted out of the army (for obvious reasons). Communist - main interests: literature, mainly poetry, music and world affairs. Writing poetry for ten years. A Matter of Form
(Voices 4)
Relph Peter Merchant seaman Xmas Day (Voices 7)
Rhyland Jack Exmouth Devon writes songs Date With Royalty (Voices 18)
Rhodes, Jean Nursing Home (25)
A Wedding in
the Irish Republic (29) Richardson VP Lost Leader (Voices 7)
The Bourgeoisie (29)
Riley, Sylvia Mother and Child (25)
Roberts Celia (Common word) worked as a secretary before starting a full time course at technical college. Aunty Daisy (Voices 16)
A Letter to Jo - One Year After the Event (28)
1983 Trade Union Annual
(Review) (29) Rogers, Olive
(Commonword) is a Manchester casemaker and active trade unionist. He has been banging away at a typewriter in his spare-time for several years, but made no attempt to find an outlet for his writing until hearing about Commonword at Manchester Trades Council. This piece (Them and Us) is taken from an attempted novel. Jubilee (Voices 15)
Kids (24)
St Vincent Paul Racial Prejudice Day
(Voices 10)
Salway John Poetry and the Class Struggle
(Voices 5)
Scott Ian Whose Road to Socialism? (Voices 12)
Sentinella Pat Changing (Voices 5)
Seyd Fred Villanelle (Voices 12)
Shane Barbara Open Letter to the Arts Council
(Voices 22) Shaw Bev Young black writer and artist. She was born and raised in West London. Her parents are Jamaican. "Awakening" poems and drawings by BS from Commonplace Workshop Hanwell London No Fixed Abode (Voices 19)
Lasting Impressions: Nottingham 82 (29)
Sheerin Joe Child Watching (Voices 19)
Shrapnel Sue A Debt (Voices 17)
Simms Raymond The Challenge (Voices 8)
Scotland Road Writers' Workshop Liverpool - works as a dustman for Liverpool Corporation Saturday Night in the Higson's (Voices 18)
Smith Barbara G Struggle Identified
(Voices 4)
Smith Bert (Manchester) is a joiner by trade. He has long been a leading rank-and-file activist in the building trade and was recently elected full-time official. The poem reflects conditions on small non-union sites to the present day. The Nons (Voices 15)
Smith Frank b1912 Married. Moulder by trade but has been groundsman and gardener for many years Brown Eyes Such An Honest Stare
(Voices 1)
Smith John Sent without accompanying letter. Could be pseudonym. If "John Smith" reads this will he write to Ted Morrison, Secretary of the Unity of Arts Society, the publishers of Voices. Beasts of Britain (Voices 3)
I Will Not Remember You When You're Dead
(Voices 18)
Remedial Class (31)
Starrett Bob Is a Glasgow shipyard painter currently spending a year working in Italy. As a cartoonist he appeared with Brian Mcgeoch and others in Jeff Perks' television film "Every Man a Special Kind of Artist" Starrett on Italy
(Voices 20)
Stead David Is a miner's son and lives in Newcastle-on-Tyne Pit Shift (Voices 20)
Stephens Keith Young black writer living in the Hulme and Moss Side Area of Manchester We Survive (Voices 19)
Strain Gerald Brassfounders (Voices 22)
Stump Kenneth B Midnight (Voices 6)
Sumal, Ranjit
Married 5 children. Employed in works canteen. Would prefer to stay at home and write short stories and poetry. Regrets wasted schooldays at secondary modern school. Hates racial prejudice (1973) Pipe Dream (Voices 3)
Sweeney Lynford Young black writer living in the Hulme and Moss Side Area of Manchester Where I am Coming From (Voices 19)
You See Me Smiling? (Voices 5)
Taverniti Georgio (London) is a sculptor. This poem first appeared in the newspaper of the Palestine Liberation Army. Quneitra (pronounced Koo-nay-tra) is a Syrian city in the Golan Heights which was razed to the ground by the Israeli Armed Forces in order to prevent resettlement by the Arab population.
From "Palestinian Resistance"April 76
(Voices 12)
Taylor JB Prefabrication (Voices 21)
Taylor, Len If you can't manage the job (27)
Thomas Frances b 1964 Used to live in Walmer Street, Rusholme which is being knocked down. Now lives in Wythenshawe. These words are exactly what she dictated to me in answer to the question, "What do you want this story to be about then?" I have not added or changed anything Walmer Street (Voices 4)
Thomas Gareth b1952 Born in Essex. Numerous jobs, now working at the Morning Star. Recently started the London Communist Writers' Circle, which now has ten members. Admirer of Cervantes, Hemingway, Sartre. Ambition to see all cultural activities supported by the people, not the exclusive set' of 'privileged' charlatans who now monopolise the arts. The Clothes Peg
(Voices 5)
Thomas W Loyd (Liverpool 8 Writers Workshop) is a black man, Jamaican born and a welder by trade Richman, Poorman, Beggarman (Voices 18)
Thomson, Geddes
Signing On (Voices 21)
Tuckett Angela b1906 Married 3 step-children and 5 step-grandchildren. Became first woman solicitor in the west of England. Assistant Editor of the Labour Monthly many years, currently writing the official histories of the Blacksmiths' Union and the Shipwrights Society. Chairman of the County Womens Hockey association. NUT life member. Politically active? Of course. (1972) Poem (Voices 1)
Turner Jean To J Reid (Voices 14)
Natural Resources (Review) (29)
The Sun Glitters As You
Look Up (24)
It's all Your Fault (Voices 5)
Walker FG b 1925 Checker, warehouseman with firm of beer distributors (Bass Charrington) for 32 years. Shop steward. Took O levels and A levels in English through correspondence course. Hates inequality, abhors cruelty to animals. Still plays football. Cycles 12 miles daily to and from work. Writes detective stories and has had several published (1973) Pseudonym (Voices 6)
Walker Tommy Stoke on Trent. Is a joiner turned UCATT organiser Chile and the Scots (Voices 17)
Addicted (31)
Quattra Doom
Warburton, Iris
Ward Jim (London VOICES) is a retired rail wayman who now spends much of his time researching industrial folk-songs. Who are the English? (Voices 18)
Ward Bert London Voices Group - is an ex-seaman who now teaches at a technical college in SE London. The Hunt for the Bismarck
(Voices 13)
The Mermaids (30)
Warrior Mark Canadian Worker Writer Quitting Time (voices 21)
Watts Bridie Alan (Voices 12)
Michael's Story pt 1 (24)
Weaver, Molly Michael's Story (Introduction) (24)
Weller Linda b1945 Letter From Father to Daughter (Voices 18)
Whitfield Tony
Modern Poetry, Eliot and The working Class
(Voices 6)
Whitfield Wendy For a Fine Comrade
(Voices 12)
Old Sailor Boys (28)
Whitmore Donald (Common word Writers' Workshop, Manchester) is retired Blubber (Voices 18)
is an ex-steel worker.
Wiles Maurice b1898 Ex-teacher, Badly educated: understands Greek but not differential Calculus. Favourite authors: G.B. Shaw, F. Engels, Bernal, Keats, Thomas Hardy (poems) Lucretius. Hobby: cultiver le jardin. Random Thoughts of a Telefan
(Voices 4)
Wilkinson Greg First Thing (Voices 14)
Belfast (30)
Williams, Caroline Angela (27)
The Highest Common
Factor (Editorial) (29)
Williams Kitty Night Shift (Voices 23)
The Engine Room (2)
The Drunk (Voices 5)
Winchester, Sylvia Haiku (25)
Wolfenden Pauline Hours For Sale (Voices 22)
Worpole Ken (Hackney Writers' Workshop) is a full-time worker for Centreprise Bookshop, Hackney. writer and environmentalist. Ken Worpole is one of
Britain's most influential writers on architecture, landscape and urban social
policy issues, and the author of many seminal reports and books. He has lectured
and worked extensively in Europe, Australia and North America. In 1999 he was
awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Middlesex University.
Wyatt Malcolm Mass Production (12)
Hiding Out (27)