Eddy's Bookstall - High St - Manchester
1 Million Plus 1 | Sol Garson | 2 |
16 Pence Per Person Per Trip | J.B. Homewood | 26 |
1967 |
Frank Parker | 1 |
1976 |
M. Doyle | 11 |
1983: A Trade Union Annual | Nick Rogers | 29 |
4th November 1974 | MG Askell | 5 |
A Bag on the Beach | Pat Dallimore | 19 |
A Book at Bedtime | Mick Jenkins | 5 |
A Conversation | Jean Sutton | 12 |
A Day in the Park | Dave Barnes | 18 |
A Dead Dog Story | John Small | 20 |
A Debt | Sue Shrapnel | 17 |
A Dying Art | Joe Bishop | 1 |
A Fable | Ted Morrison | 3 |
A Far Cry From 1945 (Listing) | Ailsa Cox | 28 |
A Few Observations about Voices | Ken Clay | 5 |
A Florida Fernery (Story) | Bleu Harrison | 29 |
A Formula for Sleep | Ken Worpole | 25 |
A Good Woman | Jim Garnett | 3 |
A Greek Tragedy | Frank Parker | 4 |
A Groundsman's Plight | John Cummins | 21 |
A Hackney Memory Chest (Review) | Ruth Allinson | 31 |
A House in the Morning | T.M. Cullen | 3 |
A Housepainter Remembers His Swinging London | Bob Starrett | 24 |
A Kind of Achievement | Andy Darlington | 16 |
A Lancashire Man Remembers | Harry Fuller | 20 |
A Letter From Mrs Makant (A Railwayman Remembered) | Paul Salveson | 29 |
A Letter To Jo - One Year After The Event | Kim Rogers | 28 |
A Matter of Form | Ian E Reed | 4 |
A Matter of Opinion | V Leslie | 6 |
A Matter of Temperature | Jean Pooley | 10 |
A Meeting in the Night | F.G. Walker | 2 |
A Pair of Kings | Ralph Peacock | 17 |
A Poem for my Sister | Wendy Whitfield | 16 |
A poem to mark the Town Hall's centenary | J. Clifford | 26 |
A Serenade | Alf. Edwards | 3 |
A Sheffield Woman looks at Hugh McDiarmid | Frances Moore | 10 |
A Silent Man Disguised as a Comrade | Wendy Whitfield | 13 |
A Slow Developer | Paul St. Vincent | 11 |
A Song of Piggy Banks | John Smith | 3 |
A Sonnet: With Sufficiency | Anonymous | 1 |
A Special Bus Ride | Pat Dallimore | 20 |
A Start in Life | Bob Drysdale | 18 |
A State of Affairs | Fran Hazelton | 11 |
A Tribute to Jack Coward | Denis Maher | 1 |
A Tribute to Jack Frost | Jack Frost | 17 |
A Very Special Brew | Ken Lilley | 5 |
A Visit to Belle Vue | Ethel Hatton | 3 |
A Wedding In The Irish Republic (Poem) | Evyn Rice | 29 |
A Week in the Life of Ivan Ivanovitch | Michael Balchin | 7 |
A Wet Sunday in May (Poem) | Sally Flood | 28 |
A Womans Work | Jean Sutton | 15 |
Absent Friends | Bill Eburn | 13 |
Academic Bored | Bob Dixon | 12 |
Action | Frances Moore | 1 |
Adam & Eve & Pinch-Me | Bill Eburn | 11 |
Addicted | Bel Walsh | 31 |
Advice from a Big Industrialist to a Worker | Betty Baer | 18 |
After an Ultimatum | Pat Arrowsmith | 9 |
After Hearing a Radio Programme on the German Sailors' Revolt in 1918 at Keil and Wilhelmshaven | Isabel Baker | 10 |
After the Election (Review) | Gillian Oxford | 31 |
After You | Bill Eburn | 13 |
Afternoon | Arthur Adlen | 28 |
Agitpoem No. 22 for BBC Careless Silence Costs Lives | Bob Dixon | 11 |
Agitpoem no. 24 | Bob Dixon | 21 |
Agitpoem No. 8 - Bromley | Bob Dixon | 4 |
Agitproletpoem | Bob Dixon | 7 |
Alan | Bridie Watts | 12 |
Alienation (Review) | Paul Ray | 28 |
All Awry in Paradise | W. Froom | 5 |
America | David Tatford | 7 |
American Worker Writer Reviews | John Gowling | 24 |
Amidst Smoke and Curses | Jonathon Hauxwell | 27 |
An Appeal | Robert Fletcher | 1 |
An Appeal | Jack Frost | 17 |
An Auld Man Cam to Heaven's Gate | Bob Cooney | 1 |
An Explanation and an Apology Alan | Bridie Watts | 13 |
An Idol Without Feet of Clay | Joe Bishop | 2 |
Angela | Caroline Williams | 27 |
Ante-Natal People | Vivien Leslie | 25 |
Approach to Work | Frances Moore | 7 |
Arrival in Bowness | A.M. Horne | 3 |
Aspects of Lunacy | Eric Jones | 21 |
Asylum (Review) | Bernadette Tweedale | 30 |
At The Popular Cafe | Sol Garson | 1 |
August 1945 | Crispin | 5 |
Aunty Daisy | Celia Roberts | 16 |
Autobiographical Chapter | Syd Booth | 1 |
Avoiding Institutions (Listing) | Ailsa Cox | 28 |
Awakening | Betty Crawford | 5 |
Babylon Station | Carl Holt | 30 |
Bad News | John Gowling | 27 |
Beasts of Britain | John Smith | 3 |
Beauty & the Beast | Frank Parker | 12 |
Before the Rape | Arthur Adlen | 17 |
Before (poem) | Cath Cairncross | 28 |
Being an Improbable Conversation overheard through the half-open door to a Premature Baby Unit | W Froom | 4 |
Belfast (Poem) | Bronwen Williams | 30 |
Benjamin Stott 1813-1850 | Ruth & Eddie Frow | 4 |
Betty | Vivien Leslie | 21 |
Bird on the Wire | Rick Gwilt | 14 |
Birdsong | CJ MacVeigh | 7 |
Biscuits | Vivien Leslie | 8 |
Black and White | Bob Dixon | 5 |
Black man, White girl. | Sol Garson | 3 |
Black Sheep | Jone O Broonlea | 5 |
Blaming the Woman | Jim Garnett | 3 |
Bleached Grass | Pat Sentinelia | 13 |
Blubber | Donald Whitmore | 18 |
Blues | Frances Moore | 5 |
Bomb Disposal | Phil Boyd | 19 |
Bomb Site | Richard McCartney | 24 |
Book Collecting | Edmund &. Ruth Frow | 2 |
Bourgeoisie | Keith Armstrong | 8 |
Boy Dancer | Tony Marchant | 23 |
Boys & Girls Come out to Play | CJ MacVeigh | 5 |
Brassfounders | Gerald Strain | 22 |
Break for a Commercial | 'Crispin' | 19 |
Breaking the Silence | Patricia Duffin | 24 |
Bristol Docks | Tony Charles | 31 |
Bronchitis Mk. II | Vivien Leslie | 20 |
Brown Eyes Such an Honest Stare | Frank Smith | 1 |
Brown Windsor Soup | Frank Parker | 5 |
Building Site | K Lloyd Jones | 7 |
Burden On The State (Poem) | Peter Carroll | 29 |
Burning Dead Leaves | Ken Worpole | 25 |
Bus Stop | John Walsh | 31 |
Buy it? I Wouldn't Take One as a Gift | Joan Batchelor | 23 |
Canadian Working.Class Poetry | Brian Davis | 15 |
Cancer Room | Steven McNee | 31 |
Captain Ned | Michael Ferns | 7 |
Captive Audience | Bill Eburn | 18 |
Car Factory Music | Michael Butler | 30 |
Cartoon for the Labour Movement | Frances Moore | 22 |
Celluloid Tears | Colin Frame | 3 |
Centre:Four Pieces by | Bob Little | 22 |
Changing | Pat Sentinella | 5 |
Chewing Point ' | Sol Garson | 20 |
Chewing Point Four Letter Words | Ted Morrison | 16 |
Chewing Point Four Letter Words | Roy McIlvern | 16 |
Chewing Point (Four letter words) | Bill Eburn | 17 |
Child Watching | Joe Sheerin | 19 |
Childhood's End in Soweto | Jeff Cloves | 20 |
Children in the Kitchen | Denise Doyle | 27 |
Children's Corner: Would it Matter? | Winifred Froom | 17 |
Children" and Children | Vivien Leslie | 4 |
Chile and the Scots | Tommy Walker | 17 |
Chile | Sol Garson | 4 |
Chile | David Kessell | 4 |
City Boy/Brown Baby | John Gowling | 5 |
City Shitfathers | Blackie Fortuna | 21 |
Claims (Poem) | Ian Colley | 30 |
Class | Rebecca O'Rourke | 31 |
Clean-up Job | Gareth Thomas | 4 |
Clouds | Steven McNee | 31 |
Come Back, Jackie Brown | Joe Smythe | 22 |
Comment on a Scorner of Mechanisation | Frances Moore | 13 |
Comment on Ken Clay's article | B Eburn | 6 |
Comment on Ken Clay's article | F Moore | 6 |
Comment on Ken Clay's article | W Froom | 6 |
Comment on Ken Clay's article | I E Reed | 6 |
Committee | Ben Ainley | 2 |
Communication | Frank Parker | 2 |
Communication | M G Askell | 5 |
Confession: 1958 | Jimmy McGovern | 20 |
Confucius Was Eating Carrots | Alex Barr | 12 |
Court News | Joe Smythe | 21 |
Cranes | Iris Warburton | 26 |
Crantock Beach | Peggy Kessel | 12 |
Credo | James MacVeigh | 12 |
Creeping Paralysis" | Dickie Beavis | 17 |
Cry Soweto | Arthur Clegg | 16 |
Cuba, Crocodiles, Rain | Keith Armstrong | 14 |
Culture for the Workers | Christopher Harris | 16 |
Culture" Sated Freaks | Bob Cooney | 18 |
Cupid | F.G. Walker | 3 |
Danger: Men at Work | KenClay | 22 |
Date With Royalty | Jack Rhyland | 18 |
Dawn | Susan Cole | 1 |
Dawn Chorus | A.M Horne | 4 |
Day Of Rest | Maureen Natt | 27 |
Dead News | Dai Lockwood | 26 |
Dear Great Grandfather (Poem) | Geddes Thomson | 30 |
Death of a Dynasty | Joan Batchelor | 26 |
Death Of A Young Collier's Wife (Poem) | Brian Asquith | 28 |
Death Of The Hoboes | Alf Ironmonger | 30 |
Death-Bed | Bob Dixon | 5 |
Declaration | Frances Moore | 7 |
Decline of the Hull fishing industry seen as a night out with Miriam | Andrew Darlington | 26 |
Derelict | Keith Armstrong | 9 |
Desire | Ben Ainley | 2 |
Deterrent | Bill Eburn | 8 |
Diary Of A Divorce (Listing) | Ailsa Cox | 28 |
Dic | Robert King | 10 |
Discrimination | Frances Moore | 3 |
Division | Frances Moore | 17 |
Dixie Dean - Footballer to the Queen | Keith Armstrong | 15 |
Do You Like My Hair? | Katherine Govier | 21 |
Dog Days | Joy Matthews | 17 |
Don't Come Looking Here | Rebecca O'Rourke | 25 |
Dont Come Looking Here | Ailsa Cox | 24 |
Don't Say | Keith Armstrong | 31 |
Double Deal | Jone O'Broonlea | 12 |
Double Meaning | Ray hartley | 8 |
Down the Old Kent Road | Arthur Francis | 12 |
Drama Now | W Froom | 6 |
Driving Over Paddies (Poem) | Alan Gilbey | 29 |
Durch den Kamin | J O Broonlea | 10 |
Edgbaston Reservoir | Richard McCartney | 24 |
Editorial | Ben Ainley | 6 |
Editorial | B. Ainley | 11 |
Editorial | Rick Gwilt | 14 |
Editorial | Ben Ainley | 14 |
Editorial | Rick Gwilt | 15 |
Editorial | Rick Gwilt | 16 |
Editorial | Rick Gwilt | 17 |
Editorial | Rick Gwilt | 18 |
Editorial | Michael Rowe | 19 |
Editorial | Rick Gwilt | 20 |
Editorial | Phil Boyd | 21 |
Editorial | Rick Gwilt | 22 |
Editorial | Wendy Whitfield | 23 |
Editorial | John Gowling | 24 |
Editorial | Phil Boyd | 25 |
Editorial | Rick Gwilt | 26 |
Editorial | Olive Rogers | 27 |
Editorial | Ailsa Cox | 30 |
Editorial | Roger Mills | 31 |
Electronics Factory | V.Leslie | 3 |
Elegy | KL Jones | 6 |
Eleven v Thirteen | Ernie Benson | 22 |
Empire of Smoke | Mike Jenkins | 31 |
Encounter at London Bridge | Michael Balchin | 9 |
End of the Line | Ken Fuller | 7 |
Epitaph | John Breheny | 17 |
Epitaph for a Bitch | Frances Moore | 3 |
Epitaph For Maggie | Rose Friedman | 8 |
Epitaph for Two Angels | Mick Hogan | 24 |
Er That Nattle | Jone O'Broonlea | 12 |
Ethel | Kitty Williams | 26 |
Euthanasia | Vivien Leslie | 8 |
Exile | D Hughes | 7 |
Exploitation | John Salway | 5 |
Extract from Back Home | Ranjit Sumal | 27 |
Extract from ME AND MINE | Chris Darlington | 31 |
Eyeball Exploder | Chris Darlington | 31 |
Eyes | Bob Dixon | 5 |
Factory | Kevin Cadwallender | 27 |
Factory Boy | T Harcup | 6 |
Factory Floor Poem No. 2 | Victor Magor | 19 |
Fairy Tale Charter | Pat Sentinella | 7 |
Falling Out Of Love (Poem) | Martin Jenkins | 29 |
False Reward | Blackie Fortuna | 23 |
Far From My Window | T Whitfield | 6 |
Father Crisp Sell | AM Horne | 6 |
Feel the Need | J.E.Sutton | 4 |
Feminist Groups | Jimmy McGovern | 25 |
Fifteen Miles from Greenham | Kathleen Horseman | 31 |
Fingerpainting (Poem) | Chris Darlington | 30 |
Fire & Brimstone | Gillian Oxford | 8 |
Fireweed A Review | B Ainley | 6 |
First Thing | Greg Wilkinson | 14 |
Fish in the Grass | John Koziol | 16 |
Five Years to Live | Isabel Baker | 14 |
Fixing a Tot for Seaman Telford | Bert Ward | 14 |
Floor Show | Frances Moore | 11 |
Fool (Poem) | Rosalin Howell | 29 |
Football Pink | Mike Rowe | 22 |
For a Fine Comrade | Wendy Whitfield | 12 |
For a Nameless Joe | J. Cooper Clarke. | 12 |
For Better or For Worse | Bill Eburn | 5 |
For Desmond Trotter | David Kessell | 10 |
For Freedom | R. Carpenter | 19 |
For Humanity's Sake | Bert Ward | 18 |
For My Daughter | Pat Sentinella | 8 |
For Whom Do You Write? | Bob Cooney | 17 |
Foretaste | Jone O'Broonlea | 14 |
Found Poem | David Carr | 19 |
Four Letter Words | Frances Moore | 18 |
Free Period | Michael Balchin | 14 |
Free Speech | Bill Eburn | 19 |
Freedom | Iris Warburton | 24 |
Freeway Flier | A Darlington | 7 |
Friday Night is Music Night | Mike Pentelow | 9 |
Frightening Quietness | Les Barker | 12 |
From Haifa to Die in Lebanon | Giorgio Taverniti | 13 |
From "Palestinian Resistance"April 76 | Giorgio Taverniti | 12 |
Fuel / Passive Pity | Rose Friedman | 20 |
Fun at Finefare review | Jane Mace | 26 |
Funny Weather | Ray Baker | 11 |
Further comments on "In Defence of T.S. Eliot" | C. Hargreaves | 11 |
Further Education | Fanny Morgan | 1 |
Gay News | Celia Roberts | 17 |
Geordie Boy Bound | Keith Armstrong | 16 |
Geordies | Alan Brown | 15 |
Geordie's Bonanza | Jack Davitt | 16 |
George the Bonesetter | Mike Rowe | 20 |
Gis a Tissue (Poem) | Deirdre Hanlon | 28 |
Glasgow | Bobby Starrett | 29 |
Glass is Dynamite | David Kessell | 4 |
God Can't Care, Really | Bob Dixon | 5 |
Going Into Hospital | Jim Morris | 20 |
Going to Work | Jimmy Barnes | 16 |
Good Old Albie | Jimmy McGovern | 16 |
Grampy (Review) | Kathleen Horseman | 30 |
Granny | R. J. Pickles | 24 |
Gran's (Poem) | Chris Darwin | 28 |
Green Toilet Rolls to Match my Bathroom Tiles | Rose Friedman | 4 |
Greg Dropkin | 29 | |
Grey Day | Jean Sutton | 11 |
Gullwake | Andrew Darlington | 26 |
Haiku | Sylvia Winchester | 25 |
Harlem Portraits Review | Bolaji Labinjoh | 21 |
Harry the Tick Man | V Leslie | 6 |
Have A Meat Pie (Poem) | Alan Gilbey | 29 |
He Never Complained | Ralph Peacock | 17 |
Hearts of Stone | J. Kay | 11 |
Heat (Poem) | Phil Wildin | 28 |
Hello you walrus faced bastard | John Hamblett | 9 |
Hello, Are you working? A Review | Rick Gwilt | 17 |
Heritage | Anne Johnson | 11 |
Hero | Paul St Vincent | 14 |
Hey! | Alan Hayton | 31 |
Hiding Out | Howard Young | 27 |
High Living | Ruth Allinson | 30 |
Highgate Cemetery | Bill Eburn | 8 |
Holloway Prison | Julie Murphy | 3 |
Holy Jim's Prayer | Joe Smythe | 23 |
Home | Denis Maher | 1 |
Hometruths review | Gillian Oxford | 26 |
Honeymoon - Logal Rock | Robert Hamburger | 27 |
Hope Chapel (Poem) | Anne Thomas | 28 |
Hordern Miners' Riot (Review) | John Koziol | 31 |
Hospital Kitchen | Bet and Muriel | 21 |
Hours For Sale | Pauline Wolfenden | 22 |
How I Became A Shop Steward | Tom Durkin | 30 |
Huston, Texas | Rick Gwilt | 3 |
Hymns on Monday | Joan Batchelor | 23 |
I am Sorry for Them | Colin Frame | 4 |
I Don't Buy South African | Bert Ward | 23 |
I Fought Norman Snow | Ed Barrett | 15 |
I Saw a Sad Man in a Field | Joan Batchelor | 23 |
I Will Not Remember You When You're Dead | Joe Smythe | 18 |
Ideas | Bob Dixon | 4 |
If | Les Barker | 10 |
If Oo Could Oo Would | Frank Smith | 2 |
If Things Go on as They Are | A Prior | 6 |
If you can't manage the job | Len Taylor | 27 |
If you Want to Get Ahead Get a Hat | Ethel Hatton | 2 |
I'm a Loony | Les Barker | 14 |
Impregnation | Vivien Leslie | 16 |
In Ayshire Now | Geddes Thomson | 25 |
In December 1923 | Ben Ainley | 3 |
In Defence of T.S. Eliot | Bill Eburn | 10 |
In Memorium | Les Barker | 9 |
In Praise of Cooks | Angela Tuckett | 5 |
In Praise of Learning (trans by Rick Gwilt) | Bert Brecht | 13 |
Inch by Inch Review | John Keane | 21 |
Industrial Strife | Frances Moore | 1 |
Industrial Worker | Frances Moore | 2 |
Inheritance | Bill Eburn | 17 |
Inside the Greenhouse (Poem} | Steve Wingate | 29 |
Introduction | Ben Ainley | 2 |
Introductory | Ben Ainley | 1 |
Iry | Rick Gwilt | 13 |
Is She or Isn't She? | Jean Sutton | 22 |
Is The Music To Blame (Poem) | John Mullen | 30 |
Island | Pat Sentinella | 12 |
It Don't Go To Your Boots (Story) | Jean Archer | 30 |
It passed on by | Robert Moore | 9 |
It's all Your Fault | E Wales | 5 |
I've heard it | Anne Fazackeley | 31 |
Jersey Holiday | Pat Arrowsmith | 18 |
Jerusalem Phase 2 (Poem) | Arthur Adlen | 28 |
Jobs For All | Bill Eburn | 18 |
John William Hosey (Sean) | John Hosey | 9 |
Joy and Pleasure | Angela Tuckett | 3 |
Jubilee | Mike Rowe | 15 |
June Days | Angela Tuckett | 12 |
Just Another Day (Story) | Tracie Heaton | 28 |
Just My Luck review | Jane Mace | 26 |
Just My Size (Poem) | John Walsh | 29 |
Kids | Sylvia St. Luce | 24 |
Kippors | Dick Lowes | 23 |
Knowhow & Wisdom | Mary Casey | 19 |
Laking - Yorkshire Holiday | J.I. Allsop | 3 |
Lambchops in Training | Paul St Vincent | 13 |
Last Friday (Poem) | Robert Hamburger | 29 |
Last Liner | Graham Cummings | 27 |
Last Will and Testament | G.P. Andrews | 31 |
Lasting Impressions: Nottingham '82 | Marion Shaw | 29 |
Late Dawning (Poem) | Rita Brewer | 29 |
Leave Me Alone. | Bob Dixon | 4 |
Left In The Dark (Listing) | Ailsa Cox | 28 |
Legend of Xanadu | Rick Gwilt | 3 |
Letter | Lotte Moos | 30 |
Letter | Dave Pole | 30 |
Letter | Colin Samson | 30 |
Letter | Dick Foreman | 30 |
Letter | Mrs C. Colley | 30 |
Letter | Ted Morrison | 15 |
Letter From Father to Daughter | Linda Weller | 18 |
Letters | Peter Kearney | 31 |
Letters | John Gowling | 31 |
Letters: | Gill Oxford | 22 |
Letters: | Sean Damer | 22 |
Letting Go | Bernadette Tweedale | 30 |
Life is for Living | Dennis Maher | 3 |
Life's Like That | Pete Relph | 12 |
Lisa's Song | A Davenport | 14 |
Listen to Me | Alan Arnison | 7 |
Listen to the Old Men | A Arnison | 6 |
LISTINGS | Ailsa Cox | 29 |
Liverpool Humour | J. Clifford | 23 |
Loneliness | Ian E Reed | 10 |
Long Black Overcoat | Dave Barnes | 24 |
Long Distance | J. E. Adkin | 21 |
Lord Street Revisited | Pete Farrow | 18 |
Lost Echoes | Alf Money | 23 |
Lost Leader | VP Richardson | 7 |
Love Poem | Tony Harcup | 7 |
Love Song | K Lloyd Jones | 7 |
Luck | J. Clifford | 24 |
Luvin' Tally | Jone O Broonlea | 5 |
Mad Johnny | Kevin Otoo | 22 |
Mad Man Sam | Jimmy McGovern | 21 |
Magnolia | Frances Moore | 3 |
Maker | Terance Kelly | 24 |
Man in Winter | M Ferns | 6 |
Man Of Steel (Review) | Ruth Allinson | 30 |
Man | Ian E Reed | 7 |
Manganese Nodules And You | Les Barker | 13 |
Manifesto | James MacVeigh | 9 |
Marketing (Review) | Ailsa Cox | 28 |
Marshall's Big Score (Review) | Rebecca O'Rourke | 31 |
Marxist Leninist) | Jone O'Broonlea | 14 |
Mass Production | Malcolm Wyatt | 12 |
Mass Unemployment & Mothers In Liverpool (Article) | Marjorie Jones | 28 |
Matchless | Mrs. M. Pendragon | 25 |
Maud Watson, Florist | Keith Armstrong | 13 |
Me | A.M Horne | 4 |
Me Medals | Stan Cole | 18 |
Me Too! | Bill Eburn | 19 |
Meat Sandwich | Maurice Gosney | 31 |
Meditation in a Folk Club | Connie M Ford | 9 |
Memoirs | Ben Ainley | 16 |
Men (Review) | Phil Boyd | 28 |
MICHAEL SMITH:Me cyaan believe it. (Article) | Sue Shrapnel | 30 |
Michael's Story | Mick Weaver | 26 |
Michael's Story - Park 4 | Mick Weaver | 27 |
Michael's Story (Episode One) | Michael (Mick) Weaver | 24 |
Michael's Story (Introduction) | Molly Weaver | 24 |
Michael's Story | Mick Weaver | 25 |
Midnight | KB Stump | 6 |
Missin' The Clubman | Alfred Edwards | 2 |
Mixture as Before | Bill Eburn | 7 |
Modern Magic | B Smith | 6 |
Modern Poetry, Eliot and The working Class | T Whitfield | 6 |
Money on the Brain | Alec Gordon | 12 |
Moon Laughter | Edward Morrison | 2 |
Mother and Child | Sylvia Riley | 25 |
Moving and Bright Days | Ben Ainley | 1 |
Moving On | Frances McNeil | 12 |
Mrs. Newlyrich (Poem) | Stan Clare | 28 |
Mr. Claus (Poem) | Tom McLennan | 28 |
Mummy I want that one | Mike Lynch | 31 |
Museum of the History of the Revolution | Keith Armstrong | 14 |
Mutual Aid | Bill Eburn | 7 |
My Police | Robert Merry | 30 |
National Dried & All Bran | J Cooper Clarke | 9 |
National Service | Debbie Leigh | 29 |
Natural Resources | Bernadette Tweedale | 29 |
Natural Rhythm | Rose Friedman | 13 |
New Song for an Old Dead | Joe Smythe | 25 |
New Sounds from Motown | Rick Gwilt | 4 |
News Item | Alan C. Brown | 18 |
Next Time | A.M.Horne | 5 |
Nice Occasion, Sam Review | Arthur Francis | 21 |
Nickname on a War Memorial | Rose Fiedman | 5 |
Nietzsche's Birthday | Ken Clay | 9 |
Night Shift | Kitty Williams | 23 |
No Ball Games Allowed | Tony Harcup | 11 |
No Dawn in Popular | Richard Brown | 23 |
No Fixed Abode | Bev Shaw | 19 |
No Flowers in May | Robert Moore | 5 |
No Literary Merit? (Editorial) | Phil Boyd | 28 |
Noah's Ark | Les Barker | 8 |
North Scale's Winter | AM Horne | 6 |
Northern Gay Writers (Article) | John Gowling | 28 |
Not Expecting Miracles | Kathleen Horseman | 28 |
Not Interesting (Letter) | Lotte Moos | 28 |
Not Primarily (Poem) | Anne Johnson | 30 |
Not Wanting to Fuck | Rich Duquet | 21 |
Note Passed in an Empty Lecture Hall | Rick Gwilt | 3 |
Notes Towards A Poem On Russia | Keith Armstrong | 27 |
November Poems - 1 | Brian Herdman | 8 |
Now I'll Sharpen My Pencil | John Smith" | 4 |
No, We Don't Like to be Seaside the Seaside | J Cooper Clarke | 8 |
Nursing Home | Jean Rhodes | 25 |
O My Brothers | Bill Eburn | 7 |
October Farewell | Mary Casey | 24 |
Ode to a Politician | Cindy Daley | 24 |
Ode to Jane Fonda | Allan C Brown | 14 |
Ode to Winter | Arthur Adlen | 19 |
Old Age (Poem) | Josie Anderson | 29 |
Old Albert | Vivien Leslie | 9 |
Old Bill. | Ian E Reed | 8 |
Old Sailor Boys (Poem) | Keith Whitelaw | 28 |
On a Lowry Picture | Frances Moore | 12 |
On An Abandoned Garden | Alfred Edwards | 4 |
On Coming on a Tramp | Frank Smith | 3 |
On Guard | Bill Eburn | 12 |
On Returning Home After a Long Absence | Rick Gwilt | 2 |
On Seeing a Film of Stalingrad | Isabel Baker | 7 |
On Seeing the Pithead at Aberfan | Sol Garson | 2 |
On the Knocker | Ken Clay | 15 |
On Winter's Highway | AG Froom | 6 |
Once Upon a Time | Cath Gilliver | 25 |
One Life Is Not Enough (Listing) | Ailsa Cox | 28 |
One Of Us (Story) | Sue Gaukrojer | 29 |
One Voice, Many Voices | Val McKenzie | 18 |
Onomatopoeia | F. Morgan | 3 |
Open Letter to the Arts Council | Federation of Worker-Writers | 22 |
Opening Stanza "In Death's Dream Kingdom" | Susan Cole | 1 |
Oppression ... | T Harcup | 6 |
Orphan In The Hypermarket | Ailsa Cox | 30 |
Our Neighbours | Ethel Hatton | 1 |
Out of Kilter (Story) | Jack Withers | 28 |
Outside In | Terri Brennan | 31 |
Owd Barney | Ernie Benson | 20 |
O.T.M.S. | Fanny Morgan | 1 |
Pablo Neruda | Ian E Reed | 5 |
Pace t'Egg | Jon O Broonlea | 7 |
Paper Bag Rag (Poem) | John Allen | 29 |
Parted | Bill Eburn | 22 |
Parting | Ben Ainley | 1 |
Pass the Valium Martha (Review) | Ailsa Cox | 28 |
Passing Through | Jean Sutton | 4 |
Penguin Book of Political Comics review | Bobby Starret | 27 |
Pension Day | Alf Money | 31 |
Persecuted Woman | Doreen Ravenscroft | 29 |
Person with the grace of a tall ship | J Barnes | 6 |
Perspective | A.M. Horne | 3 |
Pete | Frank Parker | 1 |
Pete's Misery | Dave Barnes | 17 |
Philpot in the City | Paul St Vincent | 13 |
Photographs | J. Clifford | 23 |
Pie in the Sky | Bill Eburn | 15 |
Pipe Dream | J.E. Sutton | 3 |
Pit Shift | David Stead | 20 |
Plain Pain in '73 | Frank Parker | 3 |
Poem | AR Whitfield | 9 |
Poem | Angela Tuckett | 1 |
Poem | Denis Maher | 1 |
Poem for a Girl from Africa | Rick Gwilt | 4 |
Poem to a Poster of Karl Marx | Phil Boyd | 17 |
Poem to Kieran Nugent | Phil Boyd | 18 |
Poet | Bill Eburn | 18 |
Poet at Work | Bill Eburn | 10 |
Poetry - Where are You Now? | IE Reed | 6 |
Poetry and the Class Struggle | John Salway | 5 |
Poet... Failed | Norman Clinton | 15 |
Point of View | Joy Matthews | 18 |
Points of View | Maurice Wiles | 5 |
Pollution | Vera Leff | 8 |
Poor Albert | Michael Ferns | 9 |
Portrait of an Economy | Bob Dixon | 4 |
Portugal 1974 | Isabel Baker | 12 |
Poverty Skills | Frances Moore | 18 |
Power Trio | Vincent P Richardson | 13 |
Practitioner in Emancipation | R. Friedman | 11 |
Prefabrication | J. B. Taylor | 21 |
Principles of Art | Bill Eburn | 18 |
Productivity Deal | M.D. Butler | 11 |
Progress | Jack Frost | 17 |
Promise | F Moore | 6 |
Prophecy of Revolution | ME Handley | 8 |
Pseudonym | FG Walker | 6 |
Psyche | Frank Parker | 11 |
Put to Proof | Angela Tuckett | 3 |
Quattra Doom (Story) | John Walsh | 28 |
Quebrada | Martyn Handley | 10 |
Quitting Time | Mark Warrior | 21 |
Quneitra | Giorgio Taverniti | 15 |
Racial Prejudice Day | Paul St Vincent | 10 |
Racist Attacks On Bookshops (Report) | 29 | |
Railway Bridge Verse | Fran Hazelton | 14 |
Rainbow | J O Broonlea | 10 |
Rainy Manchester | Jack Frost | 17 |
Random Thoughts of a Telefan | Maurice M Wiles | 4 |
Random Thoughts on a One Man Show | Sol Garson | 14 |
Readers' Roundup | John Gowling | 25 |
Readers' Roundup | Joan Batchelor | 25 |
Readers' Roundup | Ailsa Cox | 25 |
Reading About Life | Syd Jenkins | 16 |
Reading and Writing Problems | Leah Hood | 29 |
Real People | Fran Hazelton | 12 |
Reasoning Why | Joseph Cunningham | 21 |
Recollections of the General Strike | Joe Day | 1 |
Redundant | Alf Money | 23 |
Redundant Iron Works: Millom | A.M Horne | 4 |
Rego and Polikoff Strike Songs (Review) | Di Williams | 30 |
Regrets | Jack Frost | 17 |
Reincarnation | M Doyle | 6 |
Remedial Class | Maria Sookias | 31 |
Remember | Keith Armstrong | 9 |
Remember your Kerb Drill | A Prior | 6 |
Remembering Mary Casey | Barbara Shane | 24 |
Remembering Vivian Usherwood | Centreprise | 24 |
Rent Strike | John Koziol | 15 |
Reply to Sol Garson | Pat Dallimore | 20 |
Resettlement | Anonymous | 15 |
Ressano Garcia | Barbara Smith | 5 |
Review of VP Richardson’s Poems | Ben Ainley | 11 |
REVIEWS | Rick Gwilt | 24 |
Rhondda Dawn | Blackie Fortuna | 22 |
Rich Men & Poor Men | Vivian Usherwood | 24 |
Richman, Poorman, Beggarman | W. Lloyd Thomas | 18 |
Rising Tide | Bill Eburn | 17 |
Road Block (poem) | Mike Jenkins | 28 |
Roberts Arundel | Paul Casey | 12 |
Rockabye Statesman | Angela Tuckett | 2 |
Rope and Birch | Jim Garnett | 3 |
Rose and Life | Ron Hughes | 3 |
Rossendale Weavers Union Women Members | Jim Garnett | 5 |
Rue | Jone O Broonlea | 5 |
Rugby (Poem) | Geddes Thomson | 29 |
Running Early | Mick Doyle | 17 |
Rush Hour | Bill Eburn | 13 |
R.N.A.D.Beith | A Jamieson | 7 |
S Empty | Robert Franco | 20 |
Salt of the Earth | John Salway | 7 |
Sans Almost Everything | Fanny Morgan | 2 |
Santiago Sunshine | Ian E Reed | 9 |
Saturday Night in the Higson's | John Small | 18 |
Saturday's Savings | Robert King | 9 |
Savages | John Salway | 13 |
Save Our School Meals Battle Cry | Doris Jennings | 21 |
Saving Face | A Jamieson | 6 |
Scholarship Boy | Jo Barnes | 27 |
School | Jo Barnes | 27 |
School (poem) | F. Lydon | 29 |
Scotland Road Writers Group | David Evans | 15 |
Seen at Divis | Avila Kilmurray | 26 |
Self Made Man | John salway | 5 |
Self View | Pat Arrowsmith | 10 |
Selling Out (Report) | 29 | |
Selling Yourself" | Terence Monaghan | 17 |
SEPARATIST GROUPS (Discussion) | Scotland Rd '83 | 30 |
Sexuality (Poem) | Elaine Powell | 28 |
Shahida | Laureen Hickey | 25 |
Shelley's Socialism Review | Edmund and Ruth Frow | 21 |
Shift Worker's Lament | William Hunt Vincent | 19 |
Shoot-Out on Little Earth | Bob Dixon | 24 |
Shortlistings . | Ailsa Cox | 30 |
Signing On | Steve Townsend | 21 |
Simon | Marjorie Dearle | 11 |
Skindeep | Lynford Sweeney | 19 |
Skydodge (Poem) | Tom McLellan | 29 |
Sleeping Dogs | Rick Gwilt | 18 |
Slices of Life | Rick Gwilt | 24 |
Smythe on History (8 poems) | Joe Smythe | 20 |
Snowdrop Man | Blackie Fortuna | 19 |
Soldiers | John Salway | 8 |
Solid Gleaming Coal | Mick Jenkins | 4 |
Some Day | Dierdre Gallagher | 21 |
Some of our Best Men Went to Spain | Sol Garson | 3 |
Someone's Worn this Thing Before | Roger Mitchell | 10 |
Song of Marxist-Leninist Intellectual | David Cobham | 12 |
Song of Soho | David Kessell | 7 |
Song of the Earth | Andrew Darlington | 12 |
Song of Warning for William Morris | Ken Worpole | 18 |
Song | Angela Tuckett | 3 |
Sounds in the Night | John Brennan | 3 |
Sparring For Luck | Eddie Barrett | 29 |
Splintering | Connie M Ford | 8 |
Spring | Josie Anderson | 29 |
Ssshh! | Rick Gwilt | 3 |
Starrett on Italy | Bob Starrett | 20 |
Start | Roger Mitchell | 8 |
Staunch True Comrade | J Sutton | 6 |
Staying In - | Tommy Barclay | 30 |
Sticky Food and Starchy Grub | Mike Rowe | 17 |
Stop A While (Poem) | Dave Hutchins | 28 |
Strange Grafitti | Vera Leff | 9 |
Stranger in Vietnam | Denis Maher | 2 |
Street Games | Bruce Norris | 26 |
Street Theatre in Brookhouse (Blackburn) | Juan Antonio Lopez | 14 |
Strike | Joan Batchelor | 30 |
Strike One! | Stan Cole | 19 |
Struggle Identified | Barabra Smith | 4 |
Subsistance Level | VP Richardson | 7 |
Suburban Automatism | Ted Morrison | 1 |
Success Story | Bill Eburn | 10 |
Suffering In Silence (Article) | 28 | |
Suits | Mike Rowe | 31 |
Summer in the Fifties | Brendan Farrell | 21 |
Summit | Paul St Vincent | 12 |
Sunday Morning | Kathleen Judge | 30 |
Sunday Times Photograph | Ouaine Bain | 17 |
Surgeon who Lost Son Indicts Killers | Patrick Lane | 5 |
Susan | Jean Sutton | 14 |
Suspense | Frances Moore | 7 |
Sweet Cherry | Mrs. A. Lowrie | 21 |
Talking Points | Rose Friedman | 12 |
Talking to the Wall | Chris Darwin | 16 |
Tea Break At Blakey's | Derek Lee | 16 |
Teaboy's Revenge | Alf Ironmonger | 27 |
Text 55 | Terry Cuthbert | 31 |
Thank You! | Mark Haviland | 23 |
That Feeling | Pat Dallimore | 27 |
The 7.23 Omnibus | A.M.Horne | 3 |
The Analytical Ant | Marjorie Dearle | 14 |
The Asian (Poem) | Julia Isaac | 30 |
The Aunties' House | Janine Rankin | 26 |
The Ballad of Cuthbert Crout | Katy Best | 27 |
The Ballad of Ernie the Fitter | Dick Lowes | 20 |
The Bearer of Chairs | Yusuf Idris | 7 |
The Bell spews its Evil | J Barnes | 6 |
The Best Days Of Your Life (Story) | Joan Batchelor | 28 |
The Better Half | Maureen Burge | 19 |
The Bourgeoisie (Poem) | Wendy Richmond | 29 |
The Boy | Frank Parker | 2 |
The British Prayer | NUPE Aberdeen no.1 Branch | 21 |
The Buffer's Tale | Bob Starrett | 23 |
The Building Workers Song | Rod O Connor | 4 |
The Challenge | Raymond Sims | 8 |
The Chapel | Vivien Leslie | 7 |
The Christmas Present | R Friedman | 6 |
The Class Game | Mary Casey | 19 |
The Clinic | Vivien Leslie | 19 |
The Clothes Peg | Gareth Thomas | 5 |
The Cock Fight | Alf Ironmonger | 23 |
The Cold War | Isabel Baker | 8 |
The Concrete Ground | Claire Mooney | 18 |
The Cossie | Mrs. G. Kearns | 21 |
The Credibility Gap | V.P. Richardson | 12 |
The Dancer of Death | IE Reed | 6 |
The Day Andreas Baader Died | Phil Boyd | 16 |
The Day I Heard that Lenin was Dead | Ben Ainley | 3 |
The Day of the Rat | Jimmy McGovern | 17 |
The Day the Tory Lights Went Out | Keith Armstrong | 10 |
The Dear Departed | Bill Eburn | 16 |
The Drunk | J Wilmot | 5 |
The Duttons of Martha Street | Jean Sutton | 5 |
The Engine Room | Kin Willey | 2 |
The Escape | A.M. Horne | 3 |
The Federation & The Future (Report) | 29 | |
The First Million Pound Pools Winner | Roger Mills | 18 |
The Franklin Story | Shirley Clark | 22 |
The Freedom of Reason | Vincent O'Donnell | 1 |
The Fugitive | Ken Fuller | 8 |
The Future is Ours | Bill Eburn | 23 |
The Gardner | Maureen Burge | 27 |
The General Strike | B. J. Hill | 19 |
The Gherkin | D. Hughes | 3 |
The Glass Works. | Frank Morgan | 1 |
The Good Christian | Martyn Handley | 12 |
The Good Old English Bobby | Tony Chesney | 19 |
The Gravediggers | Bert Ward | 22 |
The Great Wind | VP Richardson | 8 |
The Gun | J McFarlane | 6 |
The Hand That Feeds | Elaine Okoro | 30 |
The Harvester | Alf Money | 24 |
The Hatpin | Vivien Leslie | 23 |
The Headache | Fran Hazelton | 10 |
The Highest Common Factor (Editorial) | Di Williams | 29 |
The Hour of the Gnats | Jim Arnison | 14 |
The Housewife | B O Connor | 6 |
The Hunt for the Bismarck | Bert Ward | 13 |
The Ideal Husband | Ruth Allinson | 21 |
The Initiation | Ceri Price (Liverpool 8) | 25 |
The Irreconcilable. | Bill Eburn | 10 |
The Job Centre (Poem) | Beth Edge | 29 |
The Journey | AM Horne | 7 |
The Last Shift | Victor Irving | 19 |
The Last Word | Bill Eburn | 15 |
The Left were always Right | Bill Eburn | 7 |
The Light of Experience | Iain McDonald | 28 |
The Lions of Longleat | J Cooper Clarke | 9 |
The Living Seed | Angela Tuckett | 5 |
The Lodge Lane Wood War (Story) | John Walsh | 30 |
The Loner | Bill Eburn | 9 |
The Lost, the Losers and the Lame | Ian E Reed | 4 |
The Magic Medicine | Jean Pooley | 9 |
The Magindovid | Sol Garson | 2 |
The Man on the Hoss at Durham | D. Beavis | 18 |
The Man who moved Mountains | Frank Parker | 10 |
The Maths Exam | Mandi F | 20 |
The Mermaid | Sarah Ward | 30 |
The Milk Run | Vivien Leslie | 26 |
The Moss | John Gowling | 21 |
The Moth | Bill Eburn | 8 |
The Movers | Roger Mills | 23 |
The Name of the Game | B Eburn | 6 |
The National Hospital (Autobiography) | Alice Linton | 28 |
The New Executive | 29 | |
The New United | Rick Gwilt | 16 |
The Nine O Clock Brew | Alf Horne | 16 |
The Nons | Bert Smith | 15 |
The Norm Force | Keith Armstrong | 22 |
The Occupation | Ken Fuller | 13 |
The Old Country | Ken Worpole | 31 |
The Orange (Poem) | Sue May | 29 |
The Parting | Vivien Leslie | 10 |
The Picket | Ron Hughes | 3 |
The Pit's Closed | Ron Oliver | 27 |
The Place where Suitcases Happen to Explode | Paul Lester | 7 |
The Potty and the Puddin' | Vivien Leslie | 16 |
The Price of Coal | Bill Eburn | 16 |
The Psychiatric Unit | John Gowling | 19 |
The Quiet Black | AM Horne | 6 |
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists | Edward Morrison | 2 |
The Republic of Letters review | Ailsa Cox | 27 |
The Rise and Fail of the English Pub | Ripyard Cuddling | 18 |
The Ritual | Tony Marchant | 22 |
The Road to Baracoa | Connie M Ford | 10 |
The Search | Ralph Meredith | 23 |
The Shelter (Poem) | Geddes Thomson | 28 |
The Shipyard Cranes | A.M Horne | 5 |
The Silent Bird | Ted Morrison | 1 |
The Silly Bloody Working Class | M Ferns | 6 |
The Sisters | Anne Gebbett | 25 |
The Skateboard Kid | Winston Jones | 20 |
The Solution (translated by Rick Gwilt) | Bertolt Brecht | 11 |
The Song of the Wheel | Savitri Hensman | 26 |
The Stripper | Jean Sutton | 13 |
The Subby | Tommy Walker | 19 |
The Sun Glitters As You Look Up | Vivian Usherwood | 24 |
The Top Shelf | Chris Darwin | 15 |
The Truth Aboot the Waall | Jack Davitt | 16 |
The Tunnel Miners' Deaths | Tom Durkin | 17 |
The Two Johns | F. McGee | 11 |
The Tyneside Poets | Alan C Brown | 13 |
The Unmarried Mother-A Personal Experience | Vivien Leslie | 5 |
The Violent Universe | Ted Morrison | 1 |
The Wedding Guest | Maureen Burge | 27 |
The Welder | Rip Bulkeley | 22 |
The Widow Of A Famous Man (Poem) | Anne Johnson | 28 |
The Wish | Bill Bartlett | 26 |
The Workers Road to Hell.... | Bert Ward | 15 |
Them and Us | Mike Rowe | 16 |
There Have Been Worker Writers Before | Ken Worpole | 29 |
There's a fog over Liverpool (Poem) | Pat O'Gorman | 29 |
They Bate Us For Years (Poem) | Maria O'Reilly | 28 |
They Educate | Pete Relph | 17 |
Third Shunt | Joe Smythe | 23 |
This | K. Armstrong | 11 |
This Side Of The Fence (Story) | James McCulloch | 28 |
Those Were The Days | Bill Eburn | 17 |
Thought for Today | Bill Eburn | 25 |
Thoughts on Death and Dying | Isabel Baker | 7 |
Three Pieces:- | Sol Garson | 2 |
Three Poems | James Leaver | 2 |
Three Poems | Colin Frame | 3 |
Thrush at Long Kesh | PJ Monaghan | 7 |
Thunder | Ian Reed | 7 |
Time has no Beginning | Crispin | 7 |
To a Lancashire United Bus | John Gowling | 5 |
To catch the post | Liz Verran | 31 |
To Dame Margot Fonteyn | Anonymous | 8 |
To J Reid | Jean Turner | 14 |
To Japan (Autobiography) | Bill Eburn | 29 |
To Peace | C Hargreaves | 8 |
To Sir Anthony Blunt | Rick Gwilt | 21 |
To the Thirties | Donald Bishop | 19 |
To The Unwritten Poem (Poem) | Olive Rogers | 28 |
Today and Yesterday | Henry Ashby | 17 |
Tomorrow' Notebook | Jean Pooley | 10 |
Tomorrow was Yesterday Back to Front. | A.M. Horne | 3 |
Tonight we will see the Dream-Drenched Drunks | Colin Frame | 5 |
Traditional Scene | Geddes Thomson | 26 |
Traffic Lights | Gareth Thomas | 5 |
Transformation | Bev Shaw | 24 |
Trellie | Ken Clay | 5 |
Tribute to a Union Man | Rick Gwilt | 8 |
Tribute to George Jackson | Denis Maher | 2 |
Trico | Tom Durkin | 15 |
Try on a Hypothesis | V Leslie | 7 |
Turning Point | J O Broonlea | 6 |
Two Minutes | Derek Lee | 15 |
Two Poems | Jim Leavers | 1 |
Two Poems by | Mary Casey | 17 |
Union Street (Review) | Ruth Allinson | 28 |
Vauxhall Bridge (Poem) | Sue May | 30 |
Video (Report) | 29 | |
Vigilante | John Salway | 5 |
Villanelle | Fred Seyd | 12 |
Violence/Hope Springs Eternal | Stan Clare | 23 |
Virgil's Enid | Sue Learwood | 25 |
Voices | Bill Eburn | 18 |
Voices | Ron Perry | 18 |
Voices a financial appeal | Ben Ainley | 12 |
Voices Appeal | Editorial Committee | 13 |
Voices in Decline (Letter) | Wendy Whitfield | 28 |
Waiting | B. Lyons | 21 |
Waiting for the Train | J MacFarlane | 7 |
Walmer Street | Frances Thomas | 4 |
War | Christine Gibson | 8 |
War Maimed Girl at a Dance | R Friedman | 6 |
Warning to the Poet | Pat Sentinella | 7 |
Wartime in Ford's | Joe Day | 2 |
Was it Yesterday? | J.I. Allsop | 3 |
We Came Crying Hither | Sue Cole | 5 |
We came en masse | J Sutton | 6 |
We Have All Met Her | Annie Parkinson | 21 |
We Survive | Keith Stephens | 19 |
Weeping Woman | Terri Brennan | 31 |
Wha' happen black girl? | Angela Mars | 31 |
What A Piece Of Work Is Man (Story) | Jimmy McGovern | 28 |
What Do You Think? | P. T. Adams | 21 |
What Gentle Saviour With Love in His Heart | Frank Smith | 1 |
What Voices is all about | Ted Morrison | 3 |
Whatcha Mean | Colin Frame | 4 |
Whatever Happened to the Good Samaritan? | Jimmy McGovern | 15 |
What've you got in your Briefcase, Mister? | Keith Armstrong | 18 |
When the Soldiers Came | Joe Smythe | 19 |
When (Poem) | Phil Wildin | 28 |
Where do you go to my Doris? | Les Barker | 15 |
Where I am Coming From | Lynford Sweeney | 19 |
Where Is The Sun (Poem) | Sally Flood | 29 |
Where Will It Lead | Stella Ford | 30 |
Whitechapel Spring | Charles Poulsen | 16 |
Whit'll Ye Dae? | Gerald Strain | 26 |
Who are the English? | Jim Ward | 18 |
Whose Road to Socialism? | Ian Scott | 12 |
Why Carry Bricks?" | Ian E Reed | 8 |
Why Change ! | John Gowling | 30 |
Why Do I Steal Cars? | John Gowling | 18 |
Why I Don't Write | Sol Garson | 1 |
Win with Labour | Jone O Broonlea | 5 |
Winnie Be Damned! | Sean Damer | 19 |
Winters Beach | AM Horne | 5 |
Witches | R. J. Pickles | 24 |
Woman | Rick Gwilt | 2 |
Woman's Paper | F Moore | 6 |
Woman's Question | Frances Moore | 9 |
Women and Words | Cath Gilliver | 25 |
Women Writers (Report) | 29 | |
Words | Betty Crawford | 3 |
Write About It | Mike Kearney | 29 |
Write First Time | 28 | |
Written in Great Happiness | Isabel Baker | 7 |
Written on International Women's Day | Ruth Frow | 5 |
Xmas Day | Peter Relph | 7 |
You | Pat Arrowsmith | 13 |
You See Me Smiling? | David Tatford | 5 |
You will not simplify me when I'm dead | Paul E. Piggott | 17 |
Your Poem | Maggie Barrand | 26 |
Yugoslavs at Frankfurt Station | Keith Armstrong | 21 |
Zimbabwe | Phil Boyd | 21 |
Zurich Worker Writers review | Rick Gwilt | 26 |