Eddy's Bookstall - High St - Manchester


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

1 Million Plus 1 Sol Garson 2
16 Pence Per Person Per Trip J.B. Homewood 26


Frank Parker 1


M. Doyle 11
1983: A Trade Union Annual  Nick Rogers  29
4th November 1974                    MG Askell 5
A Bag on the Beach Pat Dallimore 19
A Book at Bedtime                    Mick Jenkins 5
A Conversation Jean Sutton 12
A Day in the Park    Dave Barnes  18
A Dead Dog Story  John Small 20
A Debt Sue Shrapnel  17
A Dying Art Joe Bishop 1
A Fable        Ted Morrison 3
A Far Cry From 1945 (Listing) Ailsa Cox 28
A Few Observations about Voices                  Ken Clay 5
A Florida Fernery (Story) Bleu Harrison 29
A Formula for Sleep Ken Worpole  25
A Good Woman        Jim Garnett 3
A Greek Tragedy    Frank Parker 4
A Groundsman's Plight John Cummins 21
A Hackney Memory Chest (Review) Ruth Allinson  31
A House in the Morning    T.M. Cullen 3
A Housepainter Remembers His Swinging London Bob Starrett  24
A Kind of Achievement Andy Darlington  16
A Lancashire Man Remembers   Harry Fuller 20
A Letter From Mrs Makant (A Railwayman Remembered) Paul Salveson 29
A Letter To Jo - One Year After The Event Kim Rogers  28
A Matter of Form   Ian E Reed 4
A Matter of Opinion                        V Leslie 6
A Matter of Temperature Jean Pooley 10
A Meeting in the Night F.G. Walker  2
A Pair of Kings                Ralph Peacock  17
A Poem for my Sister Wendy Whitfield  16
A poem to mark the Town Hall's centenary  J. Clifford  26
A Serenade     Alf. Edwards 3
A Sheffield Woman looks at Hugh McDiarmid Frances Moore 10
A Silent Man Disguised as a Comrade     Wendy Whitfield  13
A Slow Developer Paul St. Vincent 11
A Song of Piggy Banks        John Smith 3
A Sonnet: With Sufficiency Anonymous 1
A Special Bus Ride    Pat Dallimore 20
A Start in Life            Bob Drysdale  18
A State of Affairs Fran Hazelton 11
A Tribute to Jack Coward Denis Maher 1
A Tribute to Jack Frost        Jack Frost  17
A Very Special Brew                        Ken Lilley 5
A Visit to Belle Vue   Ethel Hatton 3
A Wedding In The Irish Republic   (Poem)    Evyn Rice  29
A Week in the Life of Ivan Ivanovitch                       Michael Balchin 7
A Wet Sunday in May (Poem)  Sally Flood  28
A Womans Work Jean Sutton 15
Absent Friends Bill Eburn 13
Academic Bored Bob Dixon 12
Action Frances Moore 1
Adam & Eve & Pinch-Me Bill Eburn 11
Addicted Bel Walsh 31
Advice from a Big Industrialist to a Worker  Betty Baer  18
After an Ultimatum Pat Arrowsmith 9
After Hearing a Radio Programme on the German Sailors' Revolt in 1918 at Keil and Wilhelmshaven Isabel Baker 10
After the Election (Review) Gillian Oxford  31
After You  Bill Eburn 13
Afternoon Arthur Adlen  28
Agitpoem No. 22 for BBC Careless Silence Costs Lives Bob Dixon  11
Agitpoem no. 24 Bob Dixon 21
Agitpoem No. 8 - Bromley     Bob Dixon 4
Agitproletpoem                                                           Bob Dixon 7
Alan Bridie Watts 12
Alienation (Review) Paul Ray  28
All Awry in Paradise                       W. Froom 5
America                                                                       David Tatford 7
American Worker Writer Reviews John Gowling 24
Amidst Smoke and Curses  Jonathon Hauxwell  27
An Appeal Robert Fletcher 1
An Appeal Jack Frost  17
An Auld Man Cam to Heaven's Gate Bob Cooney 1
An Explanation and an Apology Alan Bridie Watts  13
An Idol Without Feet of Clay Joe Bishop 2
Angela Caroline Williams  27
Ante-Natal People  Vivien Leslie  25
Approach to Work                                           Frances Moore 7
Arrival in Bowness   A.M. Horne 3
Aspects of Lunacy Eric Jones 21
Asylum (Review) Bernadette Tweedale  30
At The Popular Cafe Sol Garson 1
August 1945                          Crispin 5
Aunty Daisy Celia Roberts  16
Autobiographical Chapter Syd Booth 1
Avoiding Institutions (Listing) Ailsa Cox 28
Awakening                            Betty Crawford 5
Babylon Station Carl Holt  30
Bad News  John Gowling  27
Beasts of Britain      John Smith 3
Beauty & the Beast Frank Parker 12
Before the Rape          Arthur Adlen  17
Before (poem) Cath Cairncross 28
Being an Improbable Conversation overheard through the half-open door to a Premature Baby Unit  W Froom 4
Belfast (Poem)  Bronwen Williams  30
Benjamin Stott 1813-1850    Ruth & Eddie Frow 4
Betty Vivien Leslie 21
Bird on the Wire Rick Gwilt  14
Birdsong                                                          CJ MacVeigh 7
Biscuits Vivien Leslie 8
Black and White                            Bob Dixon 5
Black man, White girl.     Sol Garson 3
Black Sheep                          Jone O Broonlea 5
Blaming the Woman    Jim Garnett 3
Bleached Grass Pat Sentinelia  13
Blubber           Donald Whitmore  18
Blues                                Frances Moore 5
Bomb Disposal Phil Boyd 19
Bomb Site Richard McCartney  24
Book Collecting  Edmund &. Ruth Frow  2
Bourgeoisie Keith Armstrong 8
Boy Dancer Tony Marchant 23
Boys & Girls Come out to Play              CJ MacVeigh 5
Brassfounders Gerald Strain 22
Break for a Commercial 'Crispin' 19
Breaking the Silence Patricia Duffin  24
Bristol Docks  Tony Charles  31
Bronchitis Mk. II   Vivien Leslie 20
Brown Eyes Such an Honest Stare Frank Smith 1
Brown Windsor Soup                         Frank Parker 5
Building Site                                                   K Lloyd Jones 7
Burden On The State (Poem) Peter Carroll 29
Burning Dead Leaves Ken Worpole  25
Bus Stop John Walsh 31
Buy it? I Wouldn't Take One as a Gift  Joan Batchelor 23
Canadian Working.Class Poetry Brian Davis 15
Cancer Room  Steven McNee 31
Captain Ned                                                     Michael Ferns 7
Captive Audience Bill Eburn  18
Car Factory Music Michael Butler 30
Cartoon for the Labour Movement Frances Moore 22
Celluloid Tears       Colin Frame 3
Centre:Four Pieces by Bob Little 22
Changing                             Pat Sentinella 5
Chewing Point '      Sol Garson 20
Chewing Point Four Letter Words Ted Morrison  16
Chewing Point Four Letter Words  Roy McIlvern  16
Chewing Point (Four letter words)     Bill Eburn  17
Child Watching Joe Sheerin  19
Childhood's End in Soweto    Jeff Cloves 20
Children in the Kitchen Denise Doyle  27
Children's Corner: Would it Matter?    Winifred Froom  17
Children" and Children     Vivien Leslie 4
Chile and the Scots      Tommy Walker  17
Chile   Sol Garson 4
Chile     David Kessell 4
City Boy/Brown Baby                        John Gowling 5
City Shitfathers Blackie Fortuna 21
Claims (Poem) Ian Colley 30
Class Rebecca O'Rourke  31
Clean-up Job   Gareth Thomas 4
Clouds Steven McNee 31
Come Back, Jackie Brown Joe Smythe 22
Comment on a Scorner of Mechanisation Frances Moore 13
Comment on Ken Clay's article              B Eburn 6
Comment on Ken Clay's article              F Moore 6
Comment on Ken Clay's article              W Froom 6
Comment on Ken Clay's article              I E Reed 6
Committee Ben Ainley 2
Communication Frank Parker  2
Communication                              M G Askell 5
Confession: 1958     Jimmy McGovern 20
Confucius Was Eating Carrots Alex Barr  12
Court News Joe Smythe 21
Cranes Iris Warburton  26
Crantock Beach Peggy Kessel  12
Credo James MacVeigh 12
Creeping Paralysis"  Dickie Beavis  17
Cry Soweto Arthur Clegg  16
Cuba, Crocodiles, Rain      Keith Armstrong  14
Culture for the Workers Christopher Harris  16
Culture" Sated Freaks   Bob Cooney  18
Cupid    F.G. Walker 3
Danger: Men at Work KenClay 22
Date With Royalty      Jack Rhyland  18
Dawn Susan Cole 1
Dawn Chorus  A.M Horne 4
Day Of Rest  Maureen Natt  27
Dead News Dai Lockwood  26
Dear Great Grandfather (Poem) Geddes Thomson 30
Death of a Dynasty  Joan Batchelor  26
Death Of A Young Collier's Wife (Poem)   Brian Asquith  28
Death Of The Hoboes Alf Ironmonger  30
Death-Bed                            Bob Dixon 5
Declaration                                                      Frances Moore 7
Decline of the Hull fishing industry seen as a night out with Miriam  Andrew Darlington 26
Derelict  Keith Armstrong 9
Desire Ben Ainley  2
Deterrent Bill Eburn 8
Diary Of A Divorce (Listing) Ailsa Cox 28
Dic Robert King 10
Discrimination     Frances Moore 3
Division    Frances Moore  17
Dixie Dean - Footballer to the Queen Keith Armstrong  15
Do You Like My Hair? Katherine Govier 21
Dog Days    Joy Matthews  17
Don't Come Looking Here Rebecca O'Rourke  25
Dont Come Looking Here Ailsa Cox  24
Don't Say Keith Armstrong 31
Double Deal Jone O'Broonlea 12
Double Meaning Ray hartley 8
Down the Old Kent Road Arthur Francis 12
Drama Now                            W Froom 6
Driving Over Paddies (Poem)  Alan Gilbey  29
Durch den Kamin J O Broonlea 10
Edgbaston Reservoir Richard McCartney  24
Editorial    Ben Ainley 6
Editorial B. Ainley 11
Editorial Rick Gwilt 14
Editorial Ben Ainley 14
Editorial Rick Gwilt  15
Editorial Rick Gwilt 16
Editorial Rick Gwilt  17
Editorial Rick Gwilt  18
Editorial Michael Rowe  19
Editorial   Rick Gwilt 20
Editorial Phil Boyd 21
Editorial Rick Gwilt 22
Editorial Wendy Whitfield  23
Editorial John Gowling  24
Editorial  Phil Boyd 25
Editorial Rick Gwilt  26
Editorial Olive Rogers  27
Editorial Ailsa Cox  30
Editorial Roger Mills  31
Electronics Factory     V.Leslie 3
Elegy                                KL Jones 6
Eleven v Thirteen Ernie Benson 22
Empire of Smoke Mike Jenkins  31
Encounter at London Bridge Michael Balchin 9
End of the Line                                                           Ken Fuller 7
Epitaph   John Breheny  17
Epitaph for a Bitch     Frances Moore 3
Epitaph For Maggie Rose Friedman 8
Epitaph for Two Angels Mick Hogan  24
Er That Nattle Jone O'Broonlea 12
Ethel Kitty Williams  26
Euthanasia Vivien Leslie 8
Exile                                                                D Hughes 7
Exploitation                               John Salway 5
Extract from Back Home  Ranjit Sumal  27
Extract from ME AND MINE  Chris Darlington 31
Eyeball Exploder Chris Darlington 31
Eyes                                 Bob Dixon 5
Factory Kevin Cadwallender  27
Factory Boy                          T Harcup 6
Factory Floor Poem No. 2 Victor Magor  19
Fairy Tale Charter                                           Pat Sentinella 7
Falling Out Of Love   (Poem) Martin Jenkins 29
False Reward Blackie Fortuna 23
Far From My Window                         T Whitfield 6
Father Crisp Sell                          AM Horne 6
Feel the Need    J.E.Sutton 4
Feminist Groups  Jimmy McGovern 25
Fifteen Miles from Greenham Kathleen Horseman  31
Fingerpainting (Poem)  Chris Darlington  30
Fire & Brimstone Gillian Oxford 8
Fireweed A Review                    B Ainley 6
First Thing                Greg Wilkinson  14
Fish in the Grass John Koziol 16
Five Years to Live Isabel Baker 14
Fixing a Tot for Seaman Telford  Bert Ward 14
Floor Show Frances Moore 11
Fool (Poem) Rosalin Howell  29
Football Pink Mike Rowe 22
For a Fine Comrade Wendy Whitfield 12
For a Nameless Joe J. Cooper Clarke. 12
For Better or For Worse                    Bill Eburn 5
For Desmond Trotter David Kessell 10
For Freedom R. Carpenter 19
For Humanity's Sake              Bert Ward  18
For My Daughter Pat Sentinella 8
For Whom Do You Write?       Bob Cooney  17
Foretaste   Jone O'Broonlea  14
Found Poem David Carr 19
Four Letter Words   Frances Moore  18
Free Period    Michael Balchin  14
Free Speech Bill Eburn  19
Freedom Iris Warburton 24
Freeway Flier                                                  A Darlington 7
Friday Night is Music Night Mike Pentelow 9
Frightening Quietness Les Barker 12
From Haifa to Die in Lebanon   Giorgio Taverniti  13
From "Palestinian Resistance"April 76 Giorgio Taverniti  12
Fuel / Passive Pity   Rose Friedman 20
Fun at Finefare review Jane Mace  26
Funny Weather Ray Baker 11
Further comments on "In Defence of T.S. Eliot" C. Hargreaves 11
Further Education Fanny Morgan 1
Gay News               Celia Roberts  17
Geordie Boy Bound Keith Armstrong  16
Geordies Alan Brown  15
Geordie's Bonanza Jack Davitt 16
George the Bonesetter   Mike Rowe 20
Gis a Tissue (Poem) Deirdre Hanlon  28
Glasgow Bobby Starrett  29
Glass is Dynamite    David Kessell 4
God Can't Care, Really                     Bob Dixon 5
Going Into Hospital  Jim Morris 20
Going to Work Jimmy Barnes  16
Good Old Albie Jimmy McGovern  16
Grampy (Review) Kathleen Horseman 30
Granny R. J. Pickles  24
Gran's (Poem) Chris Darwin 28
Green Toilet Rolls to Match my Bathroom Tiles Rose Friedman 4
Greg Dropkin 29
Grey Day Jean Sutton 11
Gullwake Andrew Darlington  26
Haiku Sylvia Winchester  25
Harlem Portraits Review Bolaji Labinjoh 21
Harry the Tick Man                         V Leslie 6
Have A Meat Pie (Poem) Alan Gilbey  29
He Never Complained    Ralph Peacock  17
Hearts of Stone J. Kay 11
Heat (Poem)  Phil Wildin  28
Hello you walrus faced bastard John Hamblett 9
Hello, Are you working? A Review         Rick Gwilt  17
Heritage Anne Johnson 11
Hero Paul St Vincent  14
Hey! Alan Hayton  31
Hiding Out  Howard Young  27
High Living  Ruth Allinson  30
Highgate Cemetery Bill Eburn 8
Holloway Prison    Julie Murphy 3
Holy Jim's Prayer  Joe Smythe 23
Home Denis Maher 1
Hometruths review Gillian Oxford  26
Honeymoon - Logal Rock  Robert Hamburger  27
Hope Chapel (Poem) Anne Thomas  28
Hordern Miners' Riot (Review) John Koziol 31
Hospital Kitchen Bet and Muriel 21
Hours For Sale Pauline Wolfenden 22
How I Became A Shop Steward Tom Durkin  30
Huston, Texas       Rick Gwilt 3
Hymns on Monday Joan Batchelor 23
I am Sorry for Them     Colin Frame 4
I Don't Buy South African  Bert Ward 23
I Fought Norman Snow Ed Barrett 15
I Saw a Sad Man in a Field Joan Batchelor 23
I Will Not Remember You When You're Dead        Joe Smythe  18
Ideas      Bob Dixon 4
If Les Barker 10
If Oo Could Oo Would Frank Smith  2
If Things Go on as They Are                A Prior 6
If you can't manage the job  Len Taylor 27
If you Want to Get Ahead Get a Hat Ethel Hatton 2
I'm a Loony Les Barker  14
Impregnation Vivien Leslie  16
In Ayshire Now  Geddes Thomson  25
In December 1923   Ben Ainley 3
In Defence of T.S. Eliot Bill Eburn 10
In Memorium Les Barker 9
In Praise of Cooks                         Angela Tuckett 5
In Praise of Learning (trans by Rick Gwilt) Bert Brecht  13
Inch by Inch Review John Keane 21
Industrial Strife Frances Moore 1
Industrial Worker Frances Moore 2
Inheritance    Bill Eburn  17
Inside the Greenhouse (Poem}  Steve Wingate  29
Introduction Ben Ainley  2
Introductory   Ben Ainley 1
Iry Rick Gwilt  13
Is She or Isn't She? Jean Sutton 22
Is The Music To Blame (Poem) John Mullen 30
Island Pat Sentinella 12
It Don't Go To Your Boots (Story)   Jean Archer 30
It passed on by Robert Moore 9
It's all Your Fault                        E Wales                  5
I've heard it Anne Fazackeley 31
Jersey Holiday           Pat Arrowsmith  18
Jerusalem Phase 2 (Poem)  Arthur Adlen  28
Jobs For All Bill Eburn  18
John William Hosey (Sean) John Hosey 9
Joy and Pleasure   Angela Tuckett 3
Jubilee Mike Rowe  15
June Days Angela Tuckett 12
Just Another Day (Story) Tracie Heaton  28
Just My Luck review Jane Mace  26
Just My Size (Poem) John Walsh 29
Kids Sylvia St. Luce  24
Kippors Dick Lowes  23
Knowhow & Wisdom Mary Casey 19
Laking - Yorkshire Holiday    J.I. Allsop 3
Lambchops in Training     Paul St Vincent  13
Last Friday (Poem)  Robert Hamburger  29
Last Liner  Graham Cummings 27
Last Will and Testament  G.P. Andrews  31
Lasting Impressions: Nottingham '82 Marion Shaw 29
Late Dawning (Poem) Rita Brewer  29
Leave Me Alone.     Bob Dixon 4
Left In The Dark  (Listing) Ailsa Cox 28
Legend of Xanadu    Rick Gwilt 3
Letter Lotte Moos  30
Letter Dave Pole  30
Letter Colin Samson  30
Letter Dick Foreman  30
Letter Mrs C. Colley  30
Letter Ted Morrison  15
Letter From Father to Daughter      Linda Weller  18
Letters Peter Kearney  31
Letters John Gowling  31
Letters: Gill Oxford 22
Letters: Sean Damer 22
Letting Go Bernadette Tweedale  30
Life is for Living    Dennis Maher 3
Life's Like That Pete Relph 12
Lisa's Song    A Davenport  14
Listen to Me                                                    Alan Arnison 7
Listen to the Old Men                      A Arnison 6
LISTINGS Ailsa Cox 29
Liverpool Humour J. Clifford  23
Loneliness Ian E Reed 10
Long Black Overcoat Dave Barnes  24
Long Distance J. E. Adkin 21
Lord Street Revisited            Pete Farrow  18
Lost Echoes Alf Money 23
Lost Leader                                                      VP Richardson 7
Love Poem                                                       Tony Harcup 7
Love Song                                                        K Lloyd Jones 7
Luck J. Clifford 24
Luvin' Tally                               Jone O Broonlea 5
Mad Johnny Kevin Otoo 22
Mad Man Sam Jimmy McGovern 21
Magnolia     Frances Moore 3
Maker Terance Kelly  24
Man in Winter                              M Ferns 6
Man Of Steel (Review) Ruth Allinson  30
Man                                                                  Ian E Reed 7
Manganese Nodules And You  Les Barker  13
Manifesto James MacVeigh 9
Marketing (Review) Ailsa Cox  28
Marshall's Big Score (Review) Rebecca O'Rourke  31
Marxist Leninist) Jone O'Broonlea  14
Mass Production Malcolm Wyatt 12
Mass Unemployment & Mothers In Liverpool (Article) Marjorie Jones  28
Matchless  Mrs. M. Pendragon  25
Maud Watson, Florist  Keith Armstrong  13
Me A.M Horne 4
Me Medals    Stan Cole  18
Me Too! Bill Eburn  19
Meat Sandwich  Maurice Gosney  31
Meditation in a Folk Club Connie M Ford 9
Memoirs Ben Ainley  16
Men (Review) Phil Boyd  28
MICHAEL SMITH:Me cyaan believe it. (Article) Sue Shrapnel  30
Michael's Story Mick Weaver  26
Michael's Story - Park 4  Mick Weaver  27
Michael's Story (Episode One) Michael (Mick) Weaver  24
Michael's Story (Introduction) Molly Weaver  24
Michael's Story  Mick Weaver  25
Midnight                             KB Stump 6
Missin' The Clubman Alfred Edwards  2
Mixture as Before                                           Bill Eburn 7
Modern Magic                               B Smith 6
Modern Poetry, Eliot and The working Class             T Whitfield 6
Money on the Brain Alec Gordon 12
Moon Laughter Edward Morrison  2
Mother and Child Sylvia Riley  25
Moving and Bright Days Ben Ainley 1
Moving On Frances McNeil 12
Mrs. Newlyrich (Poem) Stan Clare 28
Mr. Claus (Poem) Tom McLennan 28
Mummy I want that one  Mike Lynch  31
Museum of the History of the Revolution  Keith Armstrong  14
Mutual Aid                                                      Bill Eburn 7
My Police Robert Merry  30
National Dried & All Bran J Cooper Clarke 9
National Service Debbie Leigh  29
Natural Resources Bernadette Tweedale 29
Natural Rhythm Rose Friedman 13
New Song for an Old Dead  Joe Smythe  25
New Sounds from Motown   Rick Gwilt 4
News Item               Alan C. Brown  18
Next Time                            A.M.Horne 5
Nice Occasion, Sam Review Arthur Francis 21
Nickname on a War Memorial                 Rose Fiedman 5
Nietzsche's Birthday Ken Clay 9
Night Shift Kitty Williams 23
No Ball Games Allowed Tony Harcup 11
No Dawn in Popular Richard Brown 23
No Fixed Abode Bev Shaw  19
No Flowers in May                    Robert Moore 5
No Literary Merit? (Editorial)  Phil Boyd  28
Noah's Ark Les Barker 8
North Scale's Winter                       AM Horne 6
Northern Gay Writers (Article)  John Gowling  28
Not Expecting Miracles Kathleen Horseman 28
Not Interesting (Letter) Lotte Moos  28
Not Primarily (Poem) Anne Johnson 30
Not Wanting to Fuck Rich Duquet 21
Note Passed in an Empty Lecture Hall  Rick Gwilt 3
Notes Towards A Poem On Russia  Keith Armstrong  27
November Poems - 1 Brian Herdman 8
Now I'll Sharpen My Pencil John Smith" 4
No, We Don't Like to be Seaside the Seaside J Cooper Clarke 8
Nursing Home  Jean Rhodes  25
O My Brothers                                                           Bill Eburn 7
October Farewell Mary Casey 24
Ode to a Politician Cindy Daley  24
Ode to Jane Fonda      Allan C Brown  14
Ode to Winter Arthur Adlen  19
Old Age (Poem) Josie Anderson 29
Old Albert Vivien Leslie 9
Old Bill.  Ian E Reed 8
Old Sailor Boys (Poem) Keith Whitelaw 28
On a Lowry Picture Frances Moore 12
On An Abandoned Garden  Alfred Edwards 4
On Coming on a Tramp     Frank Smith 3
On Guard Bill Eburn 12
On Returning Home After a Long Absence Rick Gwilt 2
On Seeing a Film of Stalingrad                                  Isabel Baker 7
On Seeing the Pithead at Aberfan Sol Garson 2
On the Knocker Ken Clay 15
On Winter's Highway                        AG Froom 6
Once Upon a Time Cath Gilliver  25
One Life Is Not Enough (Listing) Ailsa Cox 28
One Of Us (Story)  Sue Gaukrojer  29
One Voice, Many Voices  Val McKenzie  18
Onomatopoeia          F. Morgan 3
Open Letter to the Arts Council Federation of Worker-Writers 22
Opening Stanza "In Death's Dream Kingdom"  Susan Cole 1
Oppression ...                             T Harcup 6
Orphan In The Hypermarket Ailsa Cox  30
Our Neighbours Ethel Hatton 1
Out of Kilter (Story)  Jack Withers  28
Outside In  Terri Brennan 31
Owd Barney    Ernie Benson 20
O.T.M.S. Fanny Morgan 1
Pablo Neruda                               Ian E Reed 5
Pace t'Egg                                                        Jon O Broonlea 7
Paper Bag Rag (Poem)  John Allen  29
Parted Bill Eburn 22
Parting Ben Ainley 1
Pass the Valium Martha (Review) Ailsa Cox  28
Passing Through Jean Sutton 4
Penguin Book of Political Comics review Bobby Starret 27
Pension Day Alf Money  31
Persecuted Woman Doreen Ravenscroft  29
Person with the grace of a tall ship                   J Barnes 6
Perspective    A.M. Horne 3
Pete Frank Parker 1
Pete's Misery         Dave Barnes  17
Philpot in the City        Paul St Vincent  13
Photographs J. Clifford  23
Pie in the Sky Bill Eburn 15
Pipe Dream         J.E. Sutton 3
Pit Shift    David Stead 20
Plain Pain in '73     Frank Parker 3
Poem AR Whitfield 9
Poem Angela Tuckett 1
Poem Denis Maher 1
Poem for a Girl from Africa   Rick Gwilt 4
Poem to a Poster of Karl Marx Phil Boyd  17
Poem to Kieran Nugent     Phil Boyd  18
Poet Bill Eburn 18
Poet at Work Bill Eburn 10
Poetry - Where are You Now?                IE Reed 6
Poetry and the Class Struggle              John Salway 5
Poet... Failed Norman Clinton  15
Point of View  Joy Matthews  18
Points of View                             Maurice Wiles 5
Pollution Vera Leff 8
Poor Albert Michael Ferns 9
Portrait of an Economy    Bob Dixon 4
Portugal 1974 Isabel Baker  12
Poverty Skills Frances Moore  18
Power Trio        Vincent P Richardson  13
Practitioner in Emancipation  R. Friedman 11
Prefabrication J. B. Taylor 21
Principles of Art  Bill Eburn  18
Productivity Deal M.D. Butler 11
Progress Jack Frost  17
Promise                                    F Moore 6
Prophecy of Revolution ME Handley 8
Pseudonym                            FG Walker 6
Psyche Frank Parker 11
Put to Proof    Angela Tuckett 3
Quattra Doom (Story) John Walsh 28
Quebrada Martyn Handley 10
Quitting Time Mark Warrior 21
Quneitra Giorgio Taverniti  15
Racial Prejudice Day Paul St Vincent 10
Racist Attacks On Bookshops (Report)  29
Railway Bridge Verse    Fran Hazelton  14
Rainbow J O Broonlea 10
Rainy Manchester Jack Frost  17
Random Thoughts of a Telefan    Maurice M Wiles 4
Random Thoughts on a One Man Show Sol Garson 14
Readers' Roundup John Gowling  25
Readers' Roundup Joan Batchelor  25
Readers' Roundup Ailsa Cox  25
Reading About Life Syd Jenkins  16
Reading and Writing Problems Leah Hood 29
Real People Fran Hazelton 12
Reasoning Why Joseph Cunningham 21
Recollections of the General Strike Joe Day 1
Redundant Alf Money 23
Redundant Iron Works: Millom  A.M Horne 4
Rego and Polikoff Strike Songs (Review) Di Williams  30
Regrets Jack Frost  17
Reincarnation                              M Doyle 6
Remedial Class  Maria Sookias  31
Remember Keith Armstrong 9
Remember your Kerb Drill                   A Prior 6
Remembering Mary Casey Barbara Shane  24
Remembering Vivian Usherwood Centreprise 24
Rent Strike John Koziol  15
Reply to Sol Garson  Pat Dallimore 20
Resettlement Anonymous 15
Ressano Garcia                             Barbara Smith 5
Review of VP Richardson’s Poems Ben Ainley 11
REVIEWS Rick Gwilt  24
Rhondda Dawn Blackie Fortuna 22
Rich Men & Poor Men Vivian Usherwood  24
Richman, Poorman, Beggarman       W. Lloyd Thomas  18
Rising Tide       Bill Eburn 17
Road Block (poem) Mike Jenkins 28
Roberts Arundel Paul Casey 12
Rockabye Statesman Angela Tuckett  2
Rope and Birch      Jim Garnett 3
Rose and Life       Ron Hughes 3
Rossendale Weavers Union Women Members     Jim Garnett 5
Rue                                  Jone O Broonlea 5
Rugby (Poem)  Geddes Thomson  29
Running Early      Mick Doyle 17
Rush Hour  Bill Eburn 13
R.N.A.D.Beith                                                            A Jamieson 7
S Empty      Robert Franco 20
Salt of the Earth                                                         John Salway 7
Sans Almost Everything  Fanny Morgan  2
Santiago Sunshine Ian E Reed 9
Saturday Night in the Higson's        John Small  18
Saturday's Savings Robert King 9
Savages      John Salway  13
Save Our School Meals Battle Cry Doris Jennings 21
Saving Face                          A Jamieson 6
Scholarship Boy Jo Barnes  27
School Jo Barnes  27
School (poem) F. Lydon  29
Scotland Road Writers Group David Evans 15
Seen at Divis Avila Kilmurray  26
Self Made Man                              John salway 5
Self View Pat Arrowsmith 10
Selling Out (Report) 29
Selling Yourself"        Terence Monaghan  17
SEPARATIST GROUPS (Discussion)  Scotland Rd '83  30
Sexuality (Poem) Elaine Powell  28
Shahida Laureen Hickey  25
Shelley's Socialism Review Edmund and Ruth Frow 21
Shift Worker's Lament William Hunt Vincent 19
Shoot-Out on Little Earth Bob Dixon  24
Shortlistings        . Ailsa Cox  30
Signing On Steve Townsend 21
Simon Marjorie Dearle 11
Skindeep Lynford Sweeney 19
Skydodge (Poem)  Tom McLellan  29
Sleeping Dogs        Rick Gwilt  18
Slices of Life Rick Gwilt  24
Smythe on History (8 poems)   Joe Smythe 20
Snowdrop Man Blackie Fortuna 19
Soldiers John Salway 8
Solid Gleaming Coal   Mick Jenkins 4
Some Day Dierdre Gallagher 21
Some of our Best Men Went to Spain  Sol Garson 3
Someone's Worn this Thing Before Roger Mitchell 10
Song of Marxist-Leninist Intellectual David Cobham  12
Song of Soho                                                   David Kessell 7
Song of the Earth Andrew Darlington 12
Song of Warning for William Morris Ken Worpole  18
Song        Angela Tuckett 3
Sounds in the Night      John Brennan 3
Sparring For Luck Eddie Barrett  29
Splintering Connie M Ford 8
Spring Josie Anderson  29
Ssshh!    Rick Gwilt 3
Starrett on Italy    Bob Starrett 20
Start Roger Mitchell 8
Staunch True Comrade                       J Sutton 6
Staying In    - Tommy Barclay  30
Sticky Food and Starchy Grub        Mike Rowe  17
Stop A While (Poem) Dave Hutchins  28
Strange Grafitti Vera Leff 9
Stranger in Vietnam Denis Maher 2
Street Games Bruce Norris  26
Street Theatre in Brookhouse (Blackburn)  Juan Antonio Lopez  14
Strike Joan Batchelor  30
Strike One! Stan Cole 19
Struggle Identified   Barabra Smith 4
Subsistance Level                                            VP Richardson 7
Suburban Automatism Ted Morrison 1
Success Story Bill Eburn 10
Suffering In Silence (Article) 28
Suits Mike Rowe  31
Summer in the Fifties Brendan Farrell 21
Summit Paul St Vincent 12
Sunday Morning Kathleen Judge 30
Sunday Times Photograph           Ouaine Bain  17
Surgeon who Lost Son Indicts Killers             Patrick Lane 5
Susan           Jean Sutton  14
Suspense                                                          Frances Moore 7
Sweet Cherry Mrs. A. Lowrie 21
Talking Points Rose Friedman 12
Talking to the Wall Chris Darwin  16
Tea Break At Blakey's Derek Lee  16
Teaboy's Revenge  Alf Ironmonger  27
Text 55 Terry Cuthbert 31
Thank You! Mark Haviland 23
That Feeling Pat Dallimore  27
The 7.23 Omnibus  A.M.Horne 3
The Analytical Ant       Marjorie Dearle  14
The Asian (Poem)      Julia Isaac  30
The Aunties' House Janine Rankin  26
The Ballad of Cuthbert Crout  Katy Best  27
The Ballad of Ernie the Fitter    Dick Lowes 20
The Bearer of Chairs                                       Yusuf Idris 7
The Bell spews its Evil                    J Barnes 6
The Best Days Of Your Life (Story) Joan Batchelor 28
The Better Half   Maureen Burge 19
The Bourgeoisie (Poem) Wendy Richmond 29
The Boy Frank Parker  2
The British Prayer  NUPE Aberdeen no.1 Branch 21
The Buffer's Tale Bob Starrett 23
The Building Workers Song    Rod O Connor 4
The Challenge Raymond Sims 8
The Chapel                                                      Vivien Leslie 7
The Christmas Present                      R Friedman 6
The Class Game Mary Casey  19
The Clinic Vivien Leslie 19
The Clothes Peg                            Gareth Thomas 5
The Cock Fight Alf Ironmonger 23
The Cold War Isabel Baker 8
The Concrete Ground        Claire Mooney  18
The Cossie Mrs. G. Kearns 21
The Credibility Gap V.P. Richardson 12
The Dancer of Death                        IE Reed 6
The Day Andreas Baader Died Phil Boyd  16
The Day I Heard that Lenin was Dead Ben Ainley 3
The Day of the Rat      Jimmy McGovern  17
The Day the Tory Lights Went Out Keith Armstrong 10
The Dear Departed Bill Eburn 16
The Drunk                            J Wilmot 5
The Duttons of Martha Street               Jean Sutton 5
The Engine Room  Kin Willey  2
The Escape  A.M. Horne 3
The Federation & The Future (Report)  29
The First Million Pound Pools Winner Roger Mills  18
The Franklin Story Shirley Clark 22
The Freedom of Reason Vincent O'Donnell 1
The Fugitive Ken Fuller 8
The Future is Ours Bill Eburn 23
The Gardner Maureen Burge  27
The General Strike B. J. Hill  19
The Gherkin            D. Hughes 3
The Glass Works. Frank Morgan 1
The Good Christian Martyn Handley  12
The Good Old English Bobby Tony Chesney  19
The Gravediggers Bert Ward 22
The Great Wind VP Richardson 8
The Gun                                    J McFarlane 6
The Hand That Feeds Elaine Okoro  30
The Harvester Alf Money  24
The Hatpin Vivien Leslie 23
The Headache Fran Hazelton 10
The Highest Common Factor (Editorial) Di Williams 29
The Hour of the Gnats Jim Arnison 14
The Housewife                              B O Connor 6
The Hunt for the Bismarck Bert Ward  13
The Ideal Husband Ruth Allinson 21
The Initiation  Ceri Price (Liverpool 8) 25
The Irreconcilable. Bill Eburn 10
The Job Centre (Poem) Beth Edge  29
The Journey                                                     AM Horne 7
The Last Shift Victor Irving  19
The Last Word Bill Eburn 15
The Left were always Right                            Bill Eburn 7
The Light of Experience Iain McDonald 28
The Lions of Longleat J Cooper Clarke 9
The Living Seed                            Angela Tuckett 5
The Lodge Lane Wood War (Story) John Walsh 30
The Loner Bill Eburn 9
The Lost, the Losers and the Lame    Ian E Reed 4
The Magic Medicine Jean Pooley 9
The Magindovid Sol Garson 2
The Man on the Hoss at Durham      D. Beavis 18
The Man who moved Mountains Frank Parker 10
The Maths Exam    Mandi F 20
The Mermaid Sarah Ward 30
The Milk Run Vivien Leslie  26
The Moss John Gowling 21
The Moth Bill Eburn 8
The Movers Roger Mills 23
The Name of the Game                       B Eburn 6
The National Hospital (Autobiography) Alice Linton 28
The New Executive  29
The New United Rick Gwilt 16
The Nine O Clock Brew Alf Horne 16
The Nons Bert Smith  15
The Norm Force Keith Armstrong 22
The Occupation          Ken Fuller 13
The Old Country  Ken Worpole  31
The Orange (Poem) Sue May 29
The Parting Vivien Leslie 10
The Picket       Ron Hughes 3
The Pit's Closed  Ron Oliver  27
The Place where Suitcases Happen to Explode        Paul Lester 7
The Potty and the Puddin' Vivien Leslie  16
The Price of Coal Bill Eburn 16
The Psychiatric Unit John Gowling  19
The Quiet Black                            AM Horne 6
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists Edward Morrison  2
The Republic of Letters review Ailsa Cox  27
The Rise and Fail of the English Pub Ripyard Cuddling  18
The Ritual Tony Marchant  22
The Road to Baracoa Connie M Ford 10
The Search Ralph Meredith  23
The Shelter (Poem) Geddes Thomson  28
The Shipyard Cranes                        A.M Horne 5
The Silent Bird Ted Morrison 1
The Silly Bloody Working Class                   M Ferns 6
The Sisters Anne Gebbett  25
The Skateboard Kid   Winston Jones 20
The Solution (translated by Rick Gwilt) Bertolt Brecht 11
The Song of the Wheel Savitri Hensman  26
The Stripper   Jean Sutton 13
The Subby Tommy Walker 19
The Sun Glitters As You Look Up Vivian Usherwood  24
The Top Shelf Chris Darwin 15
The Truth Aboot the Waall Jack Davitt  16
The Tunnel Miners' Deaths     Tom Durkin  17
The Two Johns F. McGee 11
The Tyneside Poets  Alan C Brown  13
The Unmarried Mother-A Personal Experience       Vivien Leslie 5
The Violent Universe Ted Morrison 1
The Wedding Guest Maureen Burge  27
The Welder Rip Bulkeley 22
The Widow Of A Famous Man (Poem)  Anne Johnson  28
The Wish Bill Bartlett  26
The Workers Road to Hell.... Bert Ward 15
Them and Us Mike Rowe 16
There Have Been Worker Writers Before Ken Worpole 29
There's a fog over Liverpool   (Poem) Pat O'Gorman  29
They Bate Us For Years (Poem) Maria O'Reilly  28
They Educate           Pete Relph  17
Third Shunt Joe Smythe 23
This K. Armstrong 11
This Side Of The Fence (Story) James McCulloch 28
Those Were The Days          Bill Eburn  17
Thought for Today  Bill Eburn  25
Thoughts on Death and Dying                                    Isabel Baker 7
Three Pieces:- Sol Garson 2
Three Poems James Leaver  2
Three Poems     Colin Frame 3
Thrush at Long Kesh                                       PJ Monaghan 7
Thunder                                                                       Ian Reed 7
Time has no Beginning                                               Crispin 7
To a Lancashire United Bus                 John Gowling 5
To catch the post  Liz Verran  31
To Dame Margot Fonteyn Anonymous 8
To J Reid Jean Turner  14
To Japan (Autobiography) Bill Eburn 29
To Peace C Hargreaves 8
To Sir Anthony Blunt Rick Gwilt 21
To the Thirties Donald Bishop  19
To The Unwritten Poem (Poem)  Olive Rogers  28
Today and Yesterday        Henry Ashby  17
Tomorrow' Notebook Jean Pooley 10
Tomorrow was Yesterday Back to Front. A.M. Horne 3
Tonight we will see the Dream-Drenched Drunks    Colin Frame 5
Traditional Scene  Geddes Thomson  26
Traffic Lights                             Gareth Thomas 5
Transformation Bev Shaw  24
Trellie                                    Ken Clay 5
Tribute to a Union Man Rick Gwilt 8
Tribute to George Jackson Denis Maher 2
Trico Tom Durkin  15
Try on a Hypothesis                                        V Leslie 7
Turning Point                              J O Broonlea 6
Two Minutes Derek Lee 15
Two Poems Jim Leavers 1
Two Poems by     Mary Casey 17
Union Street (Review) Ruth Allinson  28
Vauxhall Bridge (Poem) Sue May 30
Video (Report)  29
Vigilante                            John Salway 5
Villanelle Fred Seyd 12
Violence/Hope Springs Eternal Stan Clare 23
Virgil's Enid Sue Learwood  25
Voices Bill Eburn 18
Voices   Ron Perry 18
Voices a financial appeal Ben Ainley 12
Voices Appeal                    Editorial Committee 13
Voices in Decline (Letter) Wendy Whitfield  28
Waiting B. Lyons 21
Waiting for the Train                                      J MacFarlane 7
Walmer Street     Frances Thomas 4
War Christine Gibson 8
War Maimed Girl at a Dance                 R Friedman 6
Warning to the Poet                                        Pat Sentinella 7
Wartime in Ford's Joe Day  2
Was it Yesterday?    J.I. Allsop 3
We Came Crying Hither                      Sue Cole 5
We came en masse                     J Sutton 6
We Have All Met Her Annie Parkinson 21
We Survive Keith Stephens 19
Weeping Woman  Terri Brennan 31
Wha' happen black girl?  Angela Mars  31
What A Piece Of Work Is Man (Story)  Jimmy McGovern  28
What Do You Think? P. T. Adams 21
What Gentle Saviour With Love in His Heart  Frank Smith 1
What Voices is all about   Ted Morrison 3
Whatcha Mean   Colin Frame 4
Whatever Happened to the Good Samaritan? Jimmy McGovern  15
What've you got in your Briefcase, Mister?   Keith Armstrong  18
When the Soldiers Came Joe Smythe 19
When (Poem) Phil Wildin 28
Where do you go to my Doris? Les Barker  15
Where I am Coming From Lynford Sweeney 19
Where Is The Sun (Poem) Sally Flood 29
Where Will It Lead  Stella Ford  30
Whitechapel Spring Charles Poulsen  16
Whit'll Ye Dae? Gerald Strain 26
Who are the English? Jim Ward  18
Whose Road to Socialism? Ian Scott 12
Why Carry Bricks?" Ian E Reed 8
Why Change !     John Gowling  30
Why Do I Steal Cars? John Gowling  18
Why I Don't Write Sol Garson 1
Win with Labour                            Jone O Broonlea 5
Winnie Be Damned! Sean Damer  19
Winters Beach                              AM Horne 5
Witches R. J. Pickles  24
Woman Rick Gwilt  2
Woman's Paper                              F Moore 6
Woman's Question Frances Moore 9
Women and Words Cath Gilliver  25
Women Writers (Report) 29
Words      Betty Crawford 3
Write About It Mike Kearney  29
Write First Time 28
Written in Great Happiness                            Isabel Baker 7
Written on International Women's Day             Ruth Frow 5
Xmas Day                                                        Peter Relph 7
You  Pat Arrowsmith 13
You See Me Smiling?                        David Tatford 5
You will not simplify me when I'm dead     Paul E. Piggott  17
Your Poem Maggie Barrand  26
Yugoslavs at Frankfurt Station Keith Armstrong 21
Zimbabwe Phil Boyd 21
Zurich Worker Writers review Rick Gwilt 26