Central Reference Library St Peter's Square Manchester
The Working Class Movement Library (WCML) is a collection of English language books, periodicals, pamphlets, archives and artefacts, concerned with the activities, expression and enquiries of the labour movement, its allies and its enemies, since the late 1700s. Working Class Movement Library, 51 The Crescent, Salford, U.K. M5 4WX Ken Worpole was on the Committee of the Federation of Worker Writers. He is a freelance writer and researcher on urban architectural and landscape policy issues. He was a member of the UK government's Urban Green Spaces Task Force (2000 - 2002) and is an adviser on parks and public spaces to the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment. He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Middlesex University for his contribution to cultural policy in 1999. His website is at http://www.worpole.net/
Rick Gwilt was the editor of Voices from 1976 – 1982 his email address is: rgwilt@onetel.net
Tom Woodin’s papers were published by the Institute of Education, London he can be contacted via email at tomwoodin@hotmail.com
A strange hybrid magazine which claims Voices as an ancestor is The Crazy Oik - started in 2009 by ex Voices contributor Ken Clay it has a website at www.crazyoik.co.uk
http://www.transculturalwriting.com/ is a site set up by professor Lynne
Pearce of Lancaster University which plans to use material from Voices in its
project 'Postcolonial Manchester: Diaspora Space and the Devolution of Literary